overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

This Overleaf template provides a structured and elegant format for writing a thesis at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. It includes three versions: Italian Thesis Template English Thesis Template Double Degree Thesis Template Features: Official formatting guidelines (see link below) Predefined sections for title page, chapters, and bibliography Compatibility with both LaTeX PDF output and Overleaf collaboration tools Easy customization for personal preferences and department-specific requirements (Official formatting guideline: https://www.unive.it/pag/8751/#:~:text=alla%20sessione%20successiva.-,Veste%20grafica,-Il%20frontespizio%20deve)

License information and other stuff here: https://github.com/zhtluo/purdue-slide-template

License information and other stuff here: https://github.com/zhtluo/purdue-slide-template

Beamer presentation template for SDQ, at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, according to the corporate design of 2025. See https://sdq.kastel.kit.edu/wiki/Dokumentvorlagen for further information.

Beamer presentation template for SDQ, at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. See https://sdq.kastel.kit.edu/wiki/Dokumentvorlagen for further information.

These instructions provide guidelines for preparing papers for AIAA Technical Conferences using LaTeX. AIAA is the catalyst for inspired idea exchange and solutions, a convener of the most original perspectives, and curator of essential research information. For the past 50 years, individuals and teams from around the globe have presented their latest research to their peers at AIAA conferences. To begin writing online (in your browser), simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself. If you'd like to download any of the template files including the .cls file, please click "Open as template" above, then download the template “Source” zip file from the menu. For a list of AIAA forums and other events currently accepting abstracts, visit the AIAA events listing page. If you're new to Overleaf and LaTeX, check out our free introductory course for help getting started.

An official LaTeX thesis template for MSc and PhD theses and dissertations at Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI).

This is the official bachelor thesis template provided and maintained by the School of Computer Science and Information Technology of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU-I). This template complies with formal requirements and style guidelines for bachelor thesis provided by the department. Official guidelines can be found on complesis: https://complesis.hslu.ch

Based on formatting guidelines and .doc template (in Chinese): http://gs.hust.edu.cn/info/1041/5462.htm Github: https://github.com/hust-latex/hustthesis

Know the LaTeX command you want to use but can't remember how to write it? Here we present a great tips sheet produced by Dave Richeson; it's pre-loaded in Overleaf so you can see how the commands work instantly. Simply click on the button above to open a version in Overleaf for editing (and to quickly copy and paste the commands you need!). For more comments visit this page on Dave's site, or if you'd like to work through a fuller introduction to LaTeX why not check out our free online course?

A modern simple (academic) CV template. With no colour, but a few different tabulars for visualizing your skills and cv events. The template has no colour, but adding logos to your events will still make it relatively colourful (and thus, not strictly classic, why I called it "modern"). You can play around with different fonts. The places where the changes can be made are indicated by comments. The fancy font for the name can be taken away, if you don't want it. The github repo is here: https://github.com/latex-ninja/modern-simple-cv

An example LaTeX project for starting off your own article

A modern dissertation (or thesis) LaTeX template. Originally used during my D.Phil. at the University of Oxford. Now updated to be used by students at the University of Malta. Easily customizable, so trivial to change colours and logos for your own institution. Github repo: https://github.com/jp-um/university_of_malta_LaTeX_dissertation_template Get in touch if you find anything untoward or have any questions (or want to buy me beer).

This is a basic journal article template which includes metadata fields for multiple authors, affiliations and keywords. It is also set up to use the lineno package for line numbers; these can be turned on by adding the 'lineno' option to the documentclass command.

This is a gorgeous template for bioRxiv pre-prints. An example manuscript using it can be found here.
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