Mandeep Singh's Résumé
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před 6 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Mandeep Singh's Résumé

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Mandeep Singh's Résumé
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\begin{tabular*}{6.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}
\textsc{{\textbf{#1}}} & \textsc{\textit{[#2]}} \\
\textbf{Mandeep Singh} \\
\indent 45/4C, Sector 2,\\
\indent DIZ Area, \\
\indent Gol Market,\\
\indent Near CP, Delhi-110001\\
\indent Mobile No.: \textbf{9936166585} \\
\indent Email-id :\textbf{mandeep06101995@gmail.com} \\
\resheading{\textbf{CAREER OBJECTIVE} }\\[\lsep]
\item[]To work in a challenging and dynamic environment and to keep adding value to the organization that I represent and serve, while also concurrently upgrading my skills and knowledge.
\resheading{\textbf{ACADEMIC DETAILS} }\\[\lsep]
\\ \\
\indent \begin{tabular}{ l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l }
\textbf{Qualification} & \textbf{School/College} & \textbf{Board/University} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{Percentage(\%)} \\
B-tech(Computer Science & Guru Tegh Bahadur & Guru Gobind Singh & 2019 & 76.40\\
and Engineering) & Institute Of & Indraprastha \\
& Technology(GTBIT) & University(GGSIPU) \\
XII & Boys' High School and College & ICSE & 2014 & 76.75 \\
X & Boys' High School and College & ICSE & 2012 & 84.60 \\
\\ \\
\resheading{\textbf{TECHNICAL SKILLS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent \textbf{Languages:-} Python, Django, Java, C and C++(\textit{Basic Knowledge).}
\resheading{\textbf{INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DETAILS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent\textbf{Python with Machine Learning}
\item[] - 6 Weeks Of Technology Training from Akatva, TCSiON Training Partner, Noida.
\item \noindent\textbf{Java Core Plus Advanced}
\item[] - 6 Weeks Of Technology Training from DUCAT, Noida.
\resheading{\textbf{INDUSTRIAL TRAINING AND MINOR PROJECTS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent\textbf{ Scientific Calculator}
\item This application has been designed using SWINGS and AWT in Java Technology.
\item \noindent \textbf{Jumpy}
\item This is basically a game designed using PyGame Library in Python Technology.
\item \noindent \textbf{Space Shooter(SHMUP!!)}
\item Another game designed using PyGame Library in Python Technology.
\item \noindent \textbf{Targeted Advertisement System}(\textit{Minor Project})
\item Targeted Advertisement System is designed to provide a fast and effective means to detect the things one is buying, the category of the product along with the history of products one has already bought in the recent past and thus show corresponding advertisements so as to influence their shopping list. This can be used as one of the good marketing strategy.
\resheading{\textbf{STRENGTHS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Positive Attitude, Social Interaction, Hardworking
\resheading{\textbf{INTEREST AND HOBBIES} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Singing
\item \noindent Playing Badminton