Niranjan Kamath's Resume
Niranjan Kamath
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Niranjan Kamath's Resume

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Niranjan Kamath's Resume
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Medium Length Professional CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.0 (8/5/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Rishi Shah
% Important note:
% This template requires the resume.cls file to be in the same directory as the
% .tex file. The resume.cls file provides the resume style used for structuring the
% document.
\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{NIRANJAN KAMATH} % Your name
\address{{\faPhone}{\fontsize{10}{10} \selectfont(+91)7259027437} \\
\href{https://github.com/Kamath-Niranjan}{Kamath-Niranjan} \\
{Niranjan Kamath}} \\
{10}{10} \selectfont\href{https://twitter.com/NiranjanKamath1?s=09}{NiranjanKamath1}}}}}}
\address{2-13 Kedubari House, Athikaribettu Post, Mulki-574154}
{\bf Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodabidri}{\hfill \textit{ August 2018 - Present}}
\\ Mechanical Engineering. \hfill{ CGPA: 9.4}
%Minor in Linguistics \smallskip \\
%Member of Eta Kappa Nu \\
%Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon \\
% Projects And Seminars
{\bf Sentimental Analysis of Tweets using Python}{\hfill \textit{ Currently working}}
\item Extracting the tweet using Twitter's API.
\item Checking for sentiment of each tweet based on specific object.
\begin{rSection}{Technical Strengths}
\item{\bf Programming Languages :} C, C++, Python, HTML, {\LaTeX}, MATLAB.
\item {\bf Modeling and Analysis :} Solid Edge 2D Drafting, NX-CAD.
\item {\bf Software \& Tools :} MS Office, Adobe Photoshop.
\begin{rSection}{Academic achievements}
\item Completed Coursera courses in :
\item{\bf Introduction to Programming with MATLAB}.
\item{\bf Introduction to Engineering Mechanics}.
\item Particpated in {\bf IDEATHON 2.0} held at MITE.
\item Participated in {\bf K-Tech Start-up Boot-Camp}.
\item Member of Team {\bf ARVANS}, a hybrid motorsport vehicle.
\item Member of {\bf MITE Youth RED CROSS}.
\item Attended workshops on {\bf Career in Motorsports}, {\bf Photography and Photo editing}.
\item Participated in {\bf Formula Imperial : On Campus Mentorship} and {\bf VAYUYANA 3.0}.
\item Member of {\bf DESIGN} club and {\bf SOFT} club, MITE.
\item Attended {\bf TedX MITE}, {\bf TedX SCEM}.
\item Scholar at {\bf World Konkani Centre}, Mangalore.
%\item Trained and disciplined in National Cadet Corps (NCC), IIT Kanpur for a year.
%\item Participated in Vijyoshi Camp 2012 organized at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
%\item Won 2nd position in Kho-Kho in Intramurals conducted by Physical Education Section, IIT Kanpur.
%\item Pursued French as second language during secondary school from Grade 6 to Grade 10. Also participated in French Song Competition and French G.K. Quiz in Class 10th. %
\begin{rSection}{Personal Profile}
\item {\bf Languages Known :} Konkani, Kannada, English, and Hindi.
\item {\bf Hobbies :} Drawing, Reading, and Listening to music.
I hereby declare that above provided information is true to the best of my knowledge.