Shubham Aggarwal
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\firstname{Shubham} % Your first name
\familyname{Aggarwal} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\address{ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management}{Gwalior}
\homepage{in.linkedin.com/pub/shubham-aggarwal/48/1b2/749/}{LinkedIn Profile} % The first argument is the url for the clickable link, the second argument is the url displayed in the template - this allows special characters to be displayed such as the tilde in this example
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\cvlistdoubleitem{Data Structures and Algorithms}{Application Development}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Machine Learning}{Ontology Web Language}
\cvlistitem{Big Data Analysis}
\cventry{2011--2016}{B.Tech + M.Tech(Integrated M.Tech) in Information Technology}{Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management}{Gwalior}{\textit{GPA -- 7.95/10}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2011}{Senior School Certificate Examination}{Central Board of Secondary Education}{Delhi}{\textit{91.33 \% (PCM)}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2009}{Secondary School Examination}{Central Board of Secondary Education}{Delhi}{\textit{90.80 \%}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
% Thesis SECTION
\section{Undergraduate Thesis}
\cvitem{Title}{\textbf{\emph{A Futuristic Approach to Intelligent Life Cycle Costing using Ontology Web Language}}}
\cvitem{Supervisors}{Professor Anupam Shukla \& Associate Professor Pankaj Shrivastava}
\item Designed a Semantically enabled methodology for Product Life Cycle Cost analysis using
Ontology Web Language
\item Studied state of art Life Cycle Costing, Ontolgy Models and Tools.
\item An ontology structure for a desired product is constructed from previously existing ontologies for that domain and adding new ontologies using Ontology Web Language.
\item Then the created owl file is parsed using Java OWL API to develop a prototype solution for semantic modelling of the LCC Estimation
\item Ontology structures are such developed so that they can be reused for a variety of products belonging to the same domain.
\item Graph Visualization of Ontologies is done using Protege Development Environment.
\item The graphical representation helps in comparing and analyzing LCC of various different
products under the same domain.
% Internhsips
\cventry{July 2013-December 2013}{Open Source Learning Project Core Contributor}{\textsc{Sanfoundry}}{Bangalore}{}{Six Months long internship in Data Structures and Algorithms.
Rated "Exceeds Expectation" during the course of Internship.
\item Implemented Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ as a part of Open Source Learning Project by Sanfoundry
\item Worked on optimizations of algorithms- hamiltonian cycle, convex hull, dijkstra, all pair shortest path etc.
\item Worked on implementation of data structures- linked list, map, hash, heap, fibonacci heap, trees, graphs etc.
\cventry{December 2012-May 2013}{Summer Training}{\textsc{Ducat India}}{Gwalior}{}{
\item Learned about Java Classes and Oops Implementation, packages and interfaces, Exception handling.
\item Made Swing Applications using Java Applet during Training Period.
\item Learned about Networking and Multi-Threaded Programming in Java and Developed a chat application.
\item Also learned about using JDBC, J2EE components and services, Java Servlet Pages (JSP) and developed an ecommerce web application using JSP.
\subsection{Academic/ Key Projects}
\cventry{2013}{An Online Comprehensive Crime Reporting System}{}{}{}{Course Project in System Analysis and Design under guidance of Dr. Anurag Srivastava
\item Implemented a Crime Reporting System to engage public, police and government agencies to be more quick, proactive and responsive to fight with crimes and criminals.
\item The system was built using PHP and MySql.
\item A registered user can add compalaint, view complaint status, edit complaint and chat.
\item An administrator can view and reply user complaints, add/delete most wanted, missing persons, add or view FIR etc.
\cventry{2013}{An Online Virtual Programming Environment}{}{}{}{Course Project in Information Technology under guidance of Dr. Anurag Srivastava
\item Developed an online Virtual Programming Platform which can host programming contests worldwide, trainings and events for programmers.
\item The system was built on J2EE platform using JDBC, Servlets, JSP and Java Mail.
\item A registered user can solve a question, participate in live contests, edit account, comment on a question
\item An administrator can add new questions, host contests, upload tutorials etc.
\section{Computer skills}
\cvitem{Languages}{C, C++(Advanced), Java,Pyhton(Intermediate), C\#,OWL(Basic)}
\cvitem{Web Technologies}{HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaEE, PHP5, JS, XML(Intermediate), Angular, CSS3, JSON, PhoneGap, Wordpress, Drupal (Basic)}
\cvitem{Databases}{MySql - Oracle(Intermediate), JDBC, MS Access}
\cvitem{IDE\'s}{Netbeans, Eclipse, PyDev, Apache Tomcat, Git, Visual Studio(Intermediate)}
\cvitem{OS}{Linux (Ubuntu, Fedeora, Mint, Monarch), Windows}
\section{Achievements and Awards}
\cvitem{2014}{\textbf{2\textsuperscript{nd} Runner Up} Globally in Target Hiring Challenge held up at Hacker Earth.}
\cvitem{2013}{\textbf{Regionalist}, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Amritapuri Regionals 2013.}
\cvitem{2013}{ \textbf{Winner} of La Ingenious (Overnight Software Designing Contest) in Infotsav 2013, Annual Technical festival of ABV-IIITM.}
\cvitem{2013}{ \textbf{Finalist} at Web Mania (Website Designing Contest) in Infotsav 2013, Annual Technical festival of ABV-IIITM.}
\cvitem{2013}{ \textbf{Globally Ranked 19\textsuperscript{th}} in CodeRush, a Programming Contest on HackerEarth}
\cvitem{2012}{ \textbf{Teaching Assistant} for Networking at AASF - Abhigyan Abhikaushalam Students Forum @ IIITM Gwalior}
\cvitem{2011}{ \textbf{Winner} Sports Quiz under aegis of AASF - Abhigyan Abhikaushalam Students Forum @ IIITM Gwalior.}
% Relevant Courses @ IIITM Gwalior
\section{Relevant Courses @ IIITM Gwalior}
\cvitem{}{Engineering Mathematics I-II, Computer Programming, Probablity and Statistics, Data Structures, OOPS, Data Communication, Digital Logic \& Design, Computer Architechture, DBMS, Computer Networks, Control Systems, Mircroprocessor Based System Design, Compuer Graphics, Operating Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorihtms, Software Engineering, Wireless Communication Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, Internet Security}
% Position of Responsiblities
\section{Position of Responsiblities}
\cvitem{2014}{\textbf{Placement Representative}, Batch 2011-2016, IIITM Gwalior.}
\cvitem{2014}{\textbf{Event Head}, Corna-Battle of Bands, Aurora, Annual Cultural Fest @ IIITM Gwalior.}
\cvitem{2013}{\textbf{Events Manager}, Infotsav, Annual Technical Fest @ IIITM Gwalior.}
\cvitem{2013}{\textbf{Event Head}, Witch Hunt-The Debugging Contest, Infotsav - 2013}
% Hobbies
\cvlistdoubleitem{Writing Articles, Poems, Stories}{Cryptography, Puzzle Making/Solving}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Quora Addict}{Cooking}