Swayangdipta Bera's CV
Swayangdipta Bera
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Swayangdipta Bera's CV

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Swayangdipta Bera's CV
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Medium Length Professional CV
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% Version 2.0 (8/5/13)
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\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.5in,top=0.6in,right=0.5in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins
\address{ +91 9734632200 }
\address{Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462066} % Your address
%\address{123 Pleasant Lane \\ City, State 12345} % Your secondary addess (optional)
\address{ swayangdipta16@iiserb.ac.in }
\name{Swayangdipta Bera} % Your name
{\bf Indian Institute of Science Education and Research} \hfill {\em August 2016 - Present}
\\ 4th Year, BS-MS Dual Degree \hfill { Overall CPI: 9.31/10}
\\ Department of Physics
\\{\bf Ramakrishna Mission Vidyabhavan} \hfill {\em 2014-2016}
\\ Higher Secondary Education \hfill { Overall score: 95.8/100}
\\ Physics, chemistry, Biology, Mathematics \hfill{ State Rank-14}
\\{\bf Gyandeep Vidyapith} \hfill {\em2012-2014}
\\ Secondary Education \hfill {Overall Score 96.0/100}
\\ State Board \hfill { State Rank-11}
\begin{rSection}{Instrumentation Experience}
{\bf Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)}
\\ {\bf X-Ray Diffraction Technique (XRD)}
\\ {\bf Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID)}
\\ {\bf AC Susceptibility Measurement }
\\ Familiar with {\bf Dual Beam ( Electron Beam and Ion Beam Experiments)}
\\ {\bf Electron Beam Lithography}
\\ {\bf Plasma Etching}
\\ {\bf Spin Coating}
\\ {\bf Transport measurements in SQUID}
\\ {\bf Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)}
\\ Different kinds of spectroscopy like- {\bf Raman Spectroscopy,UV-Vis Spectroscopy.}
\\ Lab works with differents types of {\bf Interferometers}
\\ Experience of { \bf Chemistry and Biology} lab works
\begin{rSection}{Research Experience}
\begin{rSubsection}{University of Leipzig}{Leipzig, Germany}
{Division of Superconductivity and Magnetism}
{May 2019-July 2019}
{Group led by Dr. Pablo Esquinazi}
\item This group investigates mainly superconductivity in Graphite interfaces.
\item My task was to cut a graphite lamellae from bulk graphite such that it contains large no of interfaces.
\item The lamella was cut by ion beam in Dual Beam set up then removed by a needle and then transferred to substrate.
\item Several bigger electrical contacts were made on that sample followed by Electron Beam Lithography, sputtering of gold, spin coating.
\item Then this sample was used for further transport measurements.
\begin{rSubsection}{IISER Bhopal}{Bhopal, India}{Light Scattering lab led by Dr. Surajit Saha} { November 2018-December 2018}
\item The aim of the research group is to understand phonons and their coupling with other quasiparticles by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy.
\item Transport properties in different types of 2D materials like- Graphene.
\item My task was to learn Raman Spectroscopy and read the previous research works on Graphene.
\begin{rSubsection}{IIT Roorkee}{Roorkee, India}{Magnetism group led by Dr. Vivek Kumar Malik} {May 2018-Jyly 2018}
\item The aim of the research group is to investigate magnetic and electrical properties of different types of perovskite thin films prepared by PLD as well as bulk materials.
\item I prepared thin film of LaSrMnO on Si substrate.
\item The growth of thin film was characterized by XRD.
\item Then these films were used to investigate magnetic properties in SQUID.
\item M-H measurement and ZFC-FC(Zero Field Cooling and Field Cooling) measurement was done in SQUID.
\item R-T(Resistance vs Temperature) measurement was done y the AC susceptibility measurement set-up.
\begin{rSection}{Academic Achievements} \itemsep -2pt
\item 1. Selected as {\bf DAAD-WISE Fellow} for carrying summer internship in {\bf Germany, 2019}
\item 2. Selected as {\bf MITACS Globalink Fellow} to carry out summer internship at {\bf Calgary University, Canada, 2019}
\item 3. Selected at {\bf SPARK Summer Internship Programme, 2018} to carry out summer internship at {\bf IIT Roorkee}
\item 4. Secured {\bf top 2 percent} position in {\bf JEE MAIN,2016} among 2 lakh candidates.
\item 5. Secured 14th rank in state conducted by WBCHSE, 2016.
\item 6. Secured 11th rank in state conducted by WBBSE, 2014.
\begin{rSection}{Relevant Courses}
{\bf 1. Core Courses}
\\ Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Math Methods, Thermodynamics, Wave and Optics
\\ {\bf 2. Online Courses}
\\ Quantum Optics, coursera online course by Alain Aspect and Michel Brune.
{\bf Programming skills:}\\ C, Python. Matlab(basic), LaTex\\
\\ {\bf Extracurriculars:}\\ Photography, Painting, Football, Table Tennis, Cricket.\\
\\ {\bf Languages:} \\English, Hindi, Bengali.
I love to travel a lot and trekking, hiking, clicking pictures, reading books and to watch tv series.
% \item Member, Athletics Team, IIT Kanpur. Attended Summer Sport Camp as a long jumper.
%\item Trained and disciplined in National Cadet Corps (NCC), IIT Kanpur for a year.
%\item Participated in Vijyoshi Camp 2012 organized at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
%\item Won 2nd position in Kho-Kho in Intramurals conducted by Physical Education Section, IIT Kanpur.
%\item Pursued French as second language during secondary school from Grade 6 to Grade 10. Also participated in French Song Competition and French G.K. Quiz in Class 10th. %