The research system in Germany
hazem alsaied
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The research system in Germany

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The research system in Germany
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\author{\textbf{Rania Sayed}, \textbf{Hazem Al Saied} }
\title{The research system in Germany}
\institute{\textbf{Uinversité de Lorraine}}
\date{October 2015}
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\item Germany has one of the largest research systems in the OECD
\item there are nearly 1,000 public funded institutions of science, research and development in Germany
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\frametitle{Introduction 2}
\section{Overview of the German research system}
\frametitle{Overview of the German research system}
\caption{Distribution of budget on different sectors}
\frametitle{Overview of the German research system}
Public funding for different aspects of research is organised in one of three ways:
\item From federal sources (e.g. project funding);
\item From state sources (e.g. institutional funding for higher education
institutions, state R\&D institutions);
\item Jointly from federal and state sources according to agreed formula (e.g.institutional funding of public research institutes of national significance; project funding for universities;categories of research infrastructure).
\section{Research Organisations}
\frametitle{Research Organisations}
\caption{Overview of research-performing organisations in Germany}
\subsection{Public research institutes}
\frametitle{Public research institutes}
Public research institutes are organised into four large networks:
\item The Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG)
\item The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG)
\item The Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF)
\item The Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Wilhelm-Gottfried-Leibniz (WGL)
\subsection{Research Activities}
\frametitle{Research Activities}
\section{Research Funding System }
\frametitle{Funding types in Germany}
\item\textbf{ Government Funding}
\item more than 390 public universities and colleges are funded by the Länder.
\item\textbf{ The European Funding}
\item\textbf{ The Industrial Funding}
\item In 2012, German companies spending amounted to a total of 2.5 billion euros.
Figure Shows the collaboration between the federal and states governments.
\section{PHD Student }
\frametitle{PHD Student}
4,000 international graduates complete their doctorate in Germany every year.
\item five reasons to do your PhD in Germany:
\item Outstanding reputation of German doctorate
\item Strong international focus: PhD in English
\item Good funding opportunities
\item Excellent research infrastructure
\item High standard of living
\subsection{Ways to do th PHD in Germany}
\frametitle{Ways to do the PHD in Germany}
\item \textbf{Individual Doctorate}
\item Involves the thesis produced under the supervision of a professor.
\item Three to five years are normal.
\item \textbf{Structured PhD Programs}
\item A team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students.
\item The duration of studies is limited to three years.
\subsection{Computer science}
\frametitle{Computer science}
programs and organizations each PhD student should know :
\item \textbf{Bitkom}
\item Represent more than 2,300 companies in the digital economy.
\item \textbf{BMBF}
\item Drives more than 80 per cent of innovations in Germany.
\item \textbf{Action Program iD2010}
\item Coordinates funding programs, to ensure that the information society can develop further.
\subsection{Funding PhD in Germany}
\frametitle{Funding PhD in Germany: Costs of Study}
How much “normal students” spend per month in Germany.
\frametitle{Funding Models}
In 2012, DAAD supported over 4,700 international doctoral students in Germany with scholarships.
\item \textbf{SCHOLARSHIPS}
\item As a rule, doctoral candidates work at the chair of their supervising professor as research associates with temporary part-time contracts.
\frametitle{Funding Databases}
\item \textbf{DAAD Scholarship Database}
\item German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest awarder of scholarships.
\item \textbf{EURAXESS Funding Database}
\item Comprises more than 100 programs offered by funding organizations in Germany.
\item \textbf{Stipendienlotse}
\item Is the database of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
\item Research in Germany is characterised by an excellent infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff.\\
\item Germany offers various forms of research locations: universities, non-university institutes, companies and institutions run by federal or state (“Länder”) authorities.\\
\item There are more than 800 publicly funded research institutions in Germany, plus research and development (R\&D) centres run by companies.