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Sniðmát fyrir verkefni í leiðbeindu námi við Tæknifræðinám Háskóla Íslands. Ensk útgáfa.
Template for project reports in courses at the Engineering Technology studies of University of Iceland. English version.
Leyfi/License GPLv3. Alpha.
Este esquema representa un circuito integrado de tecnología CMOS 74VHC153 que representa dos multiplexores con las siguientes características:
Dos entradas de habilitación de cada mitad, denominadas Ea y Eb
Dos entradas de direccionamiento comunes Sa y Sb
Dos salidas (1 por cada multiplexor)
Cuatro entradas de datos (Ina e Inb) por cada multiplexor
Este esquema ha sido tomado y adaptado de la hoja de especificaciones loclizada en http://www.fairchildsemi.com/datasheets/74/74VHC153.pdf
Visualization is a descriptive way to ensure the audience attention and to make people better understand the content of a given topic. Nowadays, in the world of science and technology, visualization has become a necessity. However, it is a huge challenge to visualize varying amounts of data in a static or dynamic form. In this paper we describe the role, value and importance of visualization in maths and science. In particular, we are going to explain in details the benefits and shortages of visualization in three main domains: Mathematics, Programming and Big Data. Moreover, we will show the future challenges of visualization and our perspective how to better approach and face with the recent problems through technical solutions.
El diagrama presenta la disposición de transistores MOSFET en un circuito de tecnología CMOS MC14071B que contiene cuatro compuertas lógicas del tipo OR (O), de las cuales se muestra una.
Este esquema ha sido tomado del documento localizado en http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/MC14001B-D.PDF de ON Semiconductor que presenta los datos de este y otros circuitos lógicos y se ejecuta con la versión 0.6 del paquete Circuitikz.