A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
This template will get you started with writing your report or thesis and can also be used to create slides. This template is too large to compile with Overleaf’s free plan. For possible workarounds, read the last paragraph of section A.1.4. It contains:
a title page for VUB, BRUFACE and ULB
a project plan
a jury (for a PhD)
an abstract in English, Dutch and French
a disclosure on the use of AI
a table of contents, list of figures, tables and listings
a nomenclature
the typical chapters
appendices with useful information on various topics
your own publications (for a PhD)
a bibliography
a demo bibliography with common entry types
a to-do list
In the appendices, you will find useful information about:
LaTeX and this template
formatting of figures, tables, equations, slides, Python generated output and source code
useful packages and commands
examples of different types of figures and plots
mathematical symbols and Greek symbols
example of a table in appendix
example of an included PDF file
This is a template and guide for preparing papers for journals from the Royal Statistical Society using the oup-authoring-template class file.
See the oup-authoring-template.tex file (included and used by default when opening the template) for a simple template to help you get started.
The oup-authoring-template-doc file (also included) provides instructions for using the additional features in the document class. This is not a general guide on how to use LaTeX, and nor does it replace the journal's instructions to authors.
I've been asked a few times for the code of my own CV.
Truth is, it was first done many, many years ago, based on the CurVe class. As I picked up tips and tricks, I kept adding and modifying the formatting styles—but I never got round to cleaning it up properly. I wouldn't wish it on anyone to have to read or use the messy code as it was *shudder*.
I got asked about it again, and I'm finally able to simplify the thing and put in online on Overleaf (so that other users won't get back to me with "but I don't have this package" issues either! 😉)
This is an bare bones CV created using altacv.cls (v1.7.2, 25 Aug 2024), which is based on the style of Marissa Mayer's
CV created by BusinessInsider using enhancv. (You can find a re-created example of that CV using AltaCV here.)
Examples of producing a publication list and referees section is provided on the second page.
This is an example CV created using altacv.cls (v1.7.2, 28 Aug 2024), based on Marissa Mayer's
CV created by BusinessInsider using enhancv.
You can edit a "bare bones" AltaCV template as well. Examples of producing a publication list and referees section is provided on the second page.
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) is a publisher of scholarly and scientific journals ranging from basic research in natural and social sciences, to engineering and applications. Articles are peer-reviewed and published in open access journals. This is the official MDPI LaTeX Template as of December 2022. Please also see the information for authors on the MDPI webpage prior to submission.