%To use this template, please have 6046.cls, 6046.sty and clrscode4e.sty in the same folder as the latex document you are trying to compile and write \documentclass{6046} on the top of the file.
\author{Ben Bitdiddle}
%Your name
% \problemset{X} means Problem Set X.
% none or give names, e.g., \collab{Alyssa P. Hacker and A. Student}
% this can be set per problem; if it is not set for a problem,
% it will use the value for the previous problem.
Solution to a
$$\forall x. x \in \integers \implies \abs{x} \in \naturals \land \abs{x} \ge 0$$
Solution to b
\newpage % a different header will appear for the next pages for the same problem.
Solution to c
Proof of lemma