A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma
Giuliano Giacalone
Last Updated
před 9 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome.
LaTeX template for the preparation of thesis submissions for Sapienza University of Rome.
\documentclass[english, Lau, oneside]{sapthesis}%remove "english" for a thesis written in Italian
%Bachelor's (laurea triennale) thesis : Lau
%Master's (laurea specialistica) thesis: LaM
%PhD's thesis: PhD
%\usepackage[italian]{babel} %use this package for a thesis written in Italian
\usepackage[nottoc, notlof, notlot]{tocbibind}
pdftitle={A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma},
pdfauthor={FirstName LastName},
pdfkeywords={thesis, sapienza, roma, university}
\title{A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma}
\author{FirstName LastName}
\course[]{Fisica e Astrofisica}
\courseorganizer{Facolt\`a di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali}
\advisor{Prof. advisor}
\coadvisor{Dr. co-advisor}
\examdate{22 September 2015}
\examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...}
%we refer to http://ctan.mirrorcatalogs.com/macros/latex/contrib/sapthesis/sapthesis-doc.pdf for an exhaustive description of the sapthesis documentclass.
write your abstract here
\lettrine[lines=2, findent=3pt, nindent=0pt]{I}{}n the frame of astronomical spectroscopy...
In \hyperref[chap:1]{Chapter~\ref*{chap:1}} we briefly present...
In \hyperref[chap:2]{Chapter~\ref*{chap:2}} we summarize...
\chapter{Near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy}
\section{Scientific Case}
Over the last decades, innovative observational techniques have been developed to allow spectrographs observing...
\section{The Very Large Telescope}
Property of the European Southern Observatory...
\section{The Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph}
The \textit{Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph} is a future generation MOS instrument for the VLT.
The grasping power of the mirror..
Blanche P.A., Gailly P., et al., “\textit{Volume phase holographic gratings: large size and high diffraction efficiency}“, Optical Engineering, Vol. 43, No.11, November 2004
Cirasuolo M., et al., \textit{"MOONS Science Report"}, MOONS Document Number: VLT-TRE-MON-14620-0001, Issue: $1.0$, $31^{\textup{st}}$ January $2013$
European Southern Observatory, \url{http://www.eso.org}