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% Author : AlgoUniversity
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{\Huge \scshape AlgoUniversity Student} \\ \vspace{5pt}
\small \raisebox{-0.1\height}\faPhone\ +91 9876543210~ \href{mailto:admissions@algouniversity.com.com}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faEnvelope\ \underline{youremail@gmail.com}} ~
\href{https://algouniversity.com/accelerator}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faLinkedin\ \underline{LinkedIn}} ~
\href{https://bit.ly/accelerator-2023}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faGithub\ \underline{Github}}
{National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur}{2021 - 2025}{B.Tech in Computer Science \& Engineering}{8.3/10 CGPA}
% -----------EXPERIENCE-----------
\section{Work Experience}
{AlgoUniversity (backed by Y-Combinator)}{May 2024 -- July 2023}
{Software Development Extern}{Remote}
\resumeItem{ --------- Hidden Project Description --------- }
\resumeItem{ --------- Hidden Project Description --------- }
\resumeItem{\textbf{MERN} stack used: \textbf{React.js} for UI, \textbf{Node.js/Express.js} for backend, \textbf{MongoDB} for storage.}
\resumeItem{ --------- Hidden Project Description --------- }
\resumeItem{ --------- Hidden Project Description --------- }
\resumeItem{ --------- Hidden Project Description --------- }
\resumeItem{Got mentorship of senior engineers from \textbf{Google London, Apple, Bytedance Singapore} and \textbf{Alphagrep Singapore}, I learned real word software development and learned about scalability.}
\resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{AlgoUniversity Project: A Level-4 Project with industry-level tech stacks.}}{\href{https://bit.ly/accelerator-2023}{\underline{Source Code}}}
\resumeItem{A \textbf{Level 4 project} is a scalable project deployed in a production setting on a cloud platform like \textbf{AWS, GCP, or Azure.}}
\resumeItem{It should be capable of handling a \textbf{load of up to X+ simultaneous users} using \textbf{Horizontal Scaling.}}
\resumeItem{One should have a deep understanding of \textbf{System Design Principles} to build a \textbf{Level 4 project}.}
\resumeItem{Building a \textbf{Level-4 project} helps you to land directly in the \textbf{top 0.1\%} of India.}
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Python, Java, C++, JavaScript} \\
\textbf{Backend}{: Django, Node.js, Express.js}\\
\textbf{Frontend}{: React, TailwindCSS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap} \\
\textbf{Clouds \& Databases}{: AWS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB} \\
\textbf{Web Technologies}{: Docker, Socket.IO, Redis} \\
\textbf{Developer Tools}{: Postman, VS Code, GitHub, Xcode} \\
\section{Honours and Awards}
\resumeSubheading{\href{https://bit.ly/accelerator-2023}{\underline{Accelerator Programming Camp}}}{March 2024 -- present}{Batch of 2024}{AlgoUniversity (backed by Y-Combinator)}
\resumeItem{Got selected being in top \textbf{1.4\% out of 40,000} students who applied, got mentorship under the seniors engineers of Apple, Google, Grab Singapore and Alphagrep Singapore.}
\resumeItem{Learned how to build Scalable systems, deployments and gained industry-level work experience.}
\vspace{-5 mm}
\resumeSubheading{Graphs camp by Codeforces Master}{Dec 2023}{}{}
\resumeItem{I have been selected out of \textbf{80,000 students from India} as a mentee for graphs camp by Codeforces Master and learned \underline{17+ advanced problem solving techniques} in graphs. Solved 3 super hard problems on the topic shortest paths and got featured in the \textbf{Hall of Fame.} }
\section{Algorithmic Competitions/Achievements}
\resumeItem{Solved \textbf{250+ super hard} DSA problems from \textbf{Rapid Growth Problemset}, building problem solving skills.}
\resumeItem{Rated \textbf{Candidate Master} on Codeforces with \underline{Rating 1960 (Top 300 in India)}.}
\resumeItem{Secured \textbf{Rank 1/400+} participants in the flagship Coderush 2024 Coding Challenge.}
\resumeItem{Ranked in \textbf{top 1 percentile} in 30+ Coding Test Simulations during \href{https://bit.ly/accelerator-2023}{\underline{InterviewPrep in Accelerator Camp}}.}
\resumeItem{\textbf{Won 3+ coding contests} in the \href{https://bit.ly/accelerator-2023}{\underline{Accelerator Camp}} beating top students of IITs/NITs and IIITs.}