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% Profile Picture
\clip (7.65, 0.7) circle (0.9 cm) node (ola) {\includegraphics[width=2.5cm]{profile.jpg}};
% Name
\faEnvelope \ email@address $\cdot$
\faPhoneSquare \ 123456789 $\cdot$
\MYhref[LinkBlue]{https://www.linkedin.com/in/username/}{\faLinkedinSquare} $\cdot$
\MYhref[LinkBlue]{https://github.com/username}{\faGithub} $\cdot$
\MYhref[LinkBlue]{https://your.home.page}{\faLink \ \mintinline{Python}{https://your.home.page}}}
% Education
\textbf{MSc Tsinghua University} \quad Beijing, China \textcolor{MapMarker}{\faMapMarker} \hfill
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarMinusO \ Sep 2022 \faCaretRight \ Now}}}\\
\emph{\small{\qquad School of Economics and Management}} \\
\emph{\small{\qquad Second best university in China. It is ranked \textcolor{PineGreen}{\underline{\#13}} in QS World University Rankings 2023.}} \\
\small{Major in Actuarial Science; GPA: 0.00/4\\
Courses: \lipsum[1][1-4]}
\textbf{B.S. Peking University} \quad Beijing, China \textcolor{MapMarker}{\faMapMarker} \hfill
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarCheckO \ Sep 2018 \faCaretRight \ Jun 2022}}}\\
\emph{\small{\qquad School of Humanities}} \\
\emph{\small{\qquad Best university in China. It is ranked \textcolor{PineGreen}{\underline{\#12}} in QS World University Rankings 2023.}} \\
Major in Statistics; GPA: 0.00/4\\
\small{Courses: \lipsum[2][1-5]}
% Objective
The \MYhref[LinkBlue]{https://www.overleaf.com/read/sjzjwfdgtjtt}{ALT4mr} is a multi-page resume template, you can use the \mintinline{Latex}{\Myhref} command to insert hyperlinks, add \MYhref[LinkBlue]{https://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/fonts/fontawesome/doc/fontawesome.pdf}{fontawesome} icons, and use \mintinline{Latex}{\mintinline} command to add in-line code. Compilation with Lualatex is recommended. This template is based on another template I came across years ago, yet unfortunately I lose the name and link to it, anyone who has a clue about that template is welcome to connect.
% Skills
\addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-4pt} % adjust the spacing
\begin{tabular}{@{\hskip 0pt}r l@{\hskip 12pt}r@{\hskip 0pt}l@{\hskip 12pt}r@{\hskip 0pt}l@{\hskip 12pt}r@{\hskip 0pt}l@{\hskip 12pt}r@{\hskip 0pt}l}
\faCode \ \textbf{Programming} & \textbf{Language} & \textbf{\faFileCodeO \ Framew} & \textbf{orks} & \textbf{\faFileCodeO \ Open Lib} & \textbf{raries} & \faCodeFork \ \textbf{Soft} & \textbf{ware} & \textbf{\faLanguage \ Langu} & \textbf{age}\\ [0.5ex]
JavaScript & \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[3]} & Vue & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} & OpenCV & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} & \LaTeX & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[1]} & Chinese & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[4]}\\
Ruby & \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} & React & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[3]} & OpenGL & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} & Unity & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[3]} & Arabic & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[3]} \\
Java & \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[1]} & Angular & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} & Font-Awesome & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} & ArcGIS & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[1]}\\
\Csharp & \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[0]} & Bootstrap & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[1]} & TensorFlow & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[1]}\\
Rust & \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[0]} & & & ALT4mr & \ \color{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[4] \faBattery[0]} \\ [1ex]
\textcolor{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[0]} Beginner \
\textcolor{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[1]} Average \
\textcolor{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[2]} Pro \
\textcolor{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[3]} Master \
\textcolor{BatteryBlue}{\faBattery[4]} Contributor}
\header{Professional Summary}
\header{Work Experience}
\textbf{Project Manager\\\MYhref[Firm]{https://link.to.your.company/}{Company}\ \cdot \ Cairo \textcolor{MapMarker}{\faMapMarker}} \hfill
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarMinusO \ Jan 2023 \faCaretRight \ Now}}}
Planning and leading teams:
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0pt % reduce space between items
\item Build strong relationships and manage expectations;
\item Provide guidance and support empower team members to deliver their best work;
\item Ensures projects stay within financial boundaries without compromising quality;
\textbf{Highlights}: driving project success by effectively managing resources, schedules, risks, and stakeholders, while ensuring that project goals are achieved within scope, budget, and time constraints.
\textbf{Football coach\\\MYhref[Firm]{https://link.to.your.company/}{Football Club}\ \cdot \ Luanda \textcolor{MapMarker}{\faMapMarker}} \hfill
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarCheckO \ Sep 2022 \faCaretRight \ Nov 2022}}}
Perform a range of tasks to support my club and my team.
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0pt % reduce space between items
\item Develop and implement effective game plans, considering the team's strengths, weaknesses, and the opponent's tendencies;
\item Identify individual player strengths and areas for improvement, and provide guidance and training to enhance their skills and overall performance;
\item Inspire and motivate players to give their best effort, foster team cohesion, and instill a winning mentality;
\textbf{Highlights}: shaping the team's performance, maximizing their potential, and striving for success both on and off the field.
% \header{Research Experience}
\header{Other Projects}
\textbf{Virtual Idol\\\MYhref[Firm]{https://link.to.your.company/}{Agency}\ \cdot \ Tokyo \textcolor{MapMarker}{\faMapMarker}} \hfill
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarMinusO \ Jul 2019 \faCaretRight \ Now}}}
Building brand image as virtual idol.
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0pt % reduce space between items
\item engage with fans through live streaming platforms, sharing daily lives, playing video games, hosting talk shows, and showcasing talents;
\item Actively interact with fans through chat messages, comments, and social media platforms, building a dedicated community and fostering a sense of closeness;
\item Maintain and develop a distinct character persona, complete with unique traits, backstories, and personalities, which resonates with fanbase;
\textbf{Highlights}: gained significant popularity and has become a unique and evolving form of entertainment in the digital age.
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% Publications
% Awards and Honors
\header{Awards and Honors}
\textbf{Belgian Pro League, Half Champion} \hfill{}
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarCheckO \ Dec 2022}}}\\
\textbf{Cannes Film Festival, Award for Best Director} \hfill{}
\textcolor{DateGrey}{\small{\faCalendarCheckO \ Sep 2021}}}\\