BVP minor report
Manik Sejwal
Last Updated:
před 5 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Standard template for Minor Project reports used at BVCOE

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Standard template for Minor Project reports used at BVCOE
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book} % front matter etc work well
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry}
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\usepackage{float} % put image exactly where it is mentioned
\usepackage[document]{ragged2e} % justify
\usepackage{listings} % source code
\usepackage{tocloft} % toc manipulations
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % header format (unused)
\usepackage{tabularx} % better tables
\usepackage{titling} % use title value in text
\usepackage{titlesec} % chapter title format
\usepackage{lipsum} % text for example
%\usepackage{chaprange} % toc chapters as range
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hfill \Large TABLE OF CONTENTS \hfill} % "toc" instead of "contents"
\renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\mdseries} % toc cnotents font
\renewcommand{\cftchappagefont}{\mdseries} % not bold
\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % dotted lines in toc
\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{Chapter } % chapter number
\renewcommand{\cftchapnumwidth}{2cm} % chapter number width to prevent overlap
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{\hfill \Large LIST OF FIGURES \hfill} % list of figures
\renewcommand*\listtablename{\hfill \Large LIST OF TABLES \hfill} % list of tables
% chapter title and section header
\titleformat{\chapter}[block]{\Large\bfseries\centering}{Chapter \thechapter : }{0em}{\Large}
\title{PROJECT NAME} % title
\author{Author} % authors (not used)
\textbf {\Large \thetitle}\\[1cm] % 1cm is the distance from the next line
\textbf{MINOR PROJECT REPORT}\\[1cm]
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X X X}
\textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} \\
\textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no}
\textit{Guided by}\\[.5cm]
\textbf{Mentor name}\\
\textbf{(Associate/Assistant) Professor}\\[1cm]
\textit{affiliated to}\\[.5cm]
NEW DELHI - 110063\\[1cm]
<MONTH, 2020>
\chapter*{\centering \textbf{\Large CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION}}
%\chapter*{\centering {CERTIFICATE}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{1. CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION}
It is hereby certified that the work which is being presented in this B. Tech Minor Project Report entitled "\textbf{\thetitle}" in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the of the degree \textbf{Bachelors in Technology} and submitted in \textbf{Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi} (affiliated to \textbf{Guru Gobind Singh’s Indraprastha University}) is an authentic record of our own work carried out during the period from \textbf{Month year} to \textbf{Month year} under the guidance of Mr. \textbf{Mentor Name} (Designiaton).\\[.5cm]
The work reported in this has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree of this or any other institute.\\[1.5cm]
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X X X}
\textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} \\
\textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no}
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is true to the best of my knowledge. They are permitted to appear in the External Major Project Examination.\\[1.5cm]
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X}
\textbf{\small Name of Mentor} & \textbf{\small Prof. Name of HOD} \\
\textbf{\small Designation} & \textbf{\small Head, CSE}\\
The B. Tech Minor Project Viva-Voce Examination of the \textbf{Names of students (enrollment no.), Names of students (enrollment no.), Names of students (enrollment no.), Names of students(enrollment no.)} has been held on .....................\\[1.5cm]
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X X X}
\textbf{\small Mr. Coordinator name} & \textbf{\small Mr. Coordinator name} & \\
\textbf{\small Project Coordinator} & \textbf{\small Project Coordinator} & \textbf{\small External Examiner}
\chapter*{\centering \textbf{\Large ABSTRACT}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{2. ABSTRACT}
\textbf{The abstract has maximum 200 words and is the summary of the work.}
\chapter*{\centering \textbf{\Large ACKNOWLEDGEMENT}}
%\chapter*{\centering {ACKNOWLEDGEMENT}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT}
% \begin{acknowledgements}
We express our deep gratitude to Mr. \textbf{Mentor}, <Designation>, Department of Computer Science and Engineering for his/her valuable guidance and suggestions throughout the project. We are thankful to \textbf{Names of project coordinators}, Project Coordinators, for their valuable guidance.\\[1cm]
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to \textbf{Name, Head of the Department} for his time and suggestions for the completion of the work. We are also thankful to the \textbf{Name, Principal} providing the facilities required for the completion of the work.\\[2cm]
% Thank other people who you would like to thank and mention why
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X X X}
\textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} & \textbf{\small Student name} \\
\textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no} & \textbf{\small Enrollment no}
% \end{acknowledgements}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{4. TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{5. LIST OF FIGURES}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{6. LIST OF TABLES}
\chapter*{\centering \textbf{\Large LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS}}
%\chapter*{\centering {ACKNOWLEDGEMENT}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{7. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X}
ABB & abbreviation\\\\
lipsum & Lorem Ipsum\\\\
\chapter*{\centering \textbf{\Large LIST OF SYMBOLS}}
%\chapter*{\centering {ACKNOWLEDGEMENT}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{8. LIST OF SYMBOLS}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X}
$symbol$ & symbol\\\\
$x^y_3$ & whatever\\\\
& Precision & Recall & F1-score & Support\\
No Fault & 0.64 & 0.96 & 0.77 & 96\\
Fault & 0.76 & 0.20 & 0.32 & 64\\
\caption{image title}
%\titleformat and \titlespacing
\centering \textbf{\large SOURCE CODE}
% \lstinputlisting[language=Python]{source_code.py} % location of the source code