ETHMUN Study Guide v1.1
Ferdinand Baune
Last Updated:
před 5 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Moden UN Study Guide Template for ETHMUN.

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Moden UN Study Guide Template for ETHMUN.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\newcommand{\quelle}[1]{\textit{\href{#1}{#1}}} % Hyperlink for sources, see References
\newcommand{\eur}[1]{\EUR\,#1\,bln.} % € #1 bln.
\newcommand{\eurm}[1]{\EUR\,#1\,mln.} % € #1 mln.
\newcommand{\usd}[1]{\textdollar\,#1\,bln.} % $ #1 bln.
\newcommand{\usdm}[1]{\textdollar\,#1\,mln.} % $ #1 mln.
% Fill in Title Info here:
\supertitle{Study Guide <semester>: <committee>}
\title{<committee>: <specific country>}
\author{\au{<name of author>}}
\address{\email{<email of author>}}
\date{logo-un.png} % File name of the Committee logo ("logo-un.png" for default UN logo, "ethmun-logo.png" for default ETHMUN logo)
\CYear{2020} % Adjust the correct Year
% \begin{abstract}
% We don't do abstracts at the moment.
% \end{abstract}
% Writing starts here:
\section{Introduction and Executive Summary}\label{sec:summary}
This is an introduction \cite{ref:consilium}.
\noindent This is a list of items:
& first item,
& second item,
& and many more...
\noindent This paragraph has no indent.
\section{Societal and Economic History}
\processtable{This is the heading of the table \cite{ref:table} \label{tab:table}}
Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 & Column 4\\
Element 11 & Element 12 & Element 13 & Element 14\\
Element 21 & Element 22 & Element 23 & Element 24\\
Element 31 & Element 32 & Element 33 & Element 34\\
Element 41 & Element 42 & Element 43 & Element 44\\
\section{Political Position}
\section{Foreign Policy \cite{ref:consilium}}
\section{Domestic Policy}
\caption{A sample figure.}\label{fig:pipelines}
\section{Recent Developments}\label{recent}
%\caption{Sample graph with blue (dotted), green (solid) and red (dashed) lines
%\figfooter{a}{Subfigure 1}
%\figfooter{b}{Subfigure 2}\label{fig1}}
%\caption{Sample graph spanning two columns\label{fig2}}
% References start here:
% \vfill\pagebreak
European Council: 'Website of the European Council' \\
<Author>: 'Title of the Reference' \\