% Packages you want to use
% Bibliography setup: import bib files
% Your thesis details -- edit the file at the path below
% so it shows your name, title, etc.
% First, make the title
% Input anything that can go before the acknowledgements
% Then the acknowledgements
% Then the abstract
% Print out the table of tables and table of figures and
% tell the template we're about to start the body of the
% thesis.
% start of thesis body
% ---------------------------
% Include introduction - Delete this chapter
\chapter{How to use this template}
%Include introduction
% Literature review / Background / Related work
\chapter{Requirements Analysis}
% Methodology
\chapter{System Design}
% Implementation
\chapter{Test Specification and Results}
% Conclusions / Findings
\chapter{Conclusion and Future Work}
% Reflective analysis
%\chapter{Reflective Analysis}
% end of thesis body
% --------------------------
% Print out the references
% Print out the ludography (optional -- you can comment this out if you're not gonna cite games)
% If you want to put some text before the list of games,
% then you can use the following code:
%\begin{ludography}[Ludography / Optional Title]
%Here are some games.
% Appendices: feel free to comment these out if you are
% not going to use them.