%\title{Formal-&-long paper}
\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper, oneside]{report}
%---------------- Retriving all the packages-----------------%
\usepackage[spanish]{babel} %change language
%---------------------- Hader -------------------------------%
\fancyhead[L]{Patrimonio Cultural}
\fancyhead[R]{El baile de la polilla}
%------------------------ Document ------------------------------%
%------------------------- Title --------------------------------%
\Large \textsc{Universidad de Costa Rica}\\[0.4cm]
\normalsize \textsc{Seminario de Realidad Nacional II: patrimonio cultural}\\[2cm]
% Title
\HRule \\[0.2cm]
{ \Huge \bfseries El Baile de la polilla \\[0.2cm] }
\HRule \\[3.5cm]
% Author and supervisor
\begin{flushleft} \large
\emph{Estudiantes:}\\ [0.2cm]
Arturo Apú Chinchilla \\
Luis Guillermo Cornejo Suárez \\
Erick Eduarte Rojas \\
Luis Felipe Rincón Riveros \\
Eliana Víquez Castro \\
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Profesora:} \\
Ligia Carvajal
% Bottom of the page
{\large \displaydate{date}}