Gantt Chart Template
Liam Hughes
Last Updated
před 3 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A Gantt chart template with already set up progress tracking and automatic calculation.
A Gantt chart template with already set up progress tracking and automatic calculation.
\def\mystartdate{2022-3-1}%starting date of the calendar
\def\myenddate{2022-4-30}%ending date of the calendar
%today offset=0,
today rule/.style={
dash pattern=on 3.5pt off 4.5pt,
line width=1.5pt
today label font=\bfseries\small,
today label=Today,
%canvas/.append style={fill=none, draw=black, line width=.75pt},
hgrid style/.style={draw=black!70, line width=.1pt},
vgrid={*1{draw=black!30, line width=.1pt}},
x unit=\myxunit,
title height=1,y unit title=6mm,
milestone inline label node/.style={right=5.5cm},
bar inline label node/.style={right=5.5cm}, %label text padding adjustment
newline shortcut=true,
bar label font=\mdseries\color{black!70},
bar label node/.append style={right=-9cm},
bar/.append style={draw=none, fill=barblue!200},
bar incomplete/.append style={fill=barblue!100},
bar progress label font=\mdseries\footnotesize\color{black!70},
group incomplete/.append style={fill=barprogress!50},
group/.append style={fill=barprogress!100}, % this suppresses percentage done labels
group left shift=0,
group right shift=0,
group height=.5,
group peaks tip position=0,
group label node/.append style={left=.6cm},
group progress label font=\bfseries\small,
bar progress label node/.append style={right=7pt},
milestone progress label node/.append style={right=8pt},
link/.style={-latex, thick, ->, red, rounded corners=1mm},
link label font=\scriptsize\bfseries,
link label node/.append style={below right=-2pt and 0pt},
milestone/.append style={fill=red, rounded corners=1pt},
time slot format=isodate
\gantttitlecalendar{week, weekday=letter, day,} \\
%WBS Add
%to add current day \the\year-\the\month-\the\day