GIK Intitute Presentation Template [Unofficial]
Muhammad Mehran Bashir
Last Updated
před 4 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
GIK Intitute Presentation Template [Unofficial]
GIK Intitute Presentation Template [Unofficial]
% Edited by: M. Mehran Bashir
% Organic Semiconductors Lab
% PhD Scholar (Electronic Engineering)
% GIK Institute, Swabi,KP
pdftitle={Thesis Presentation By author name},
\title{\\ \vspace*{1cm}{\large Energy Harvesting Devices}\\{\small (PhD Defense Presentation)} }
\author{ {\small \textbf{Presented by:} Muhammad Mehran Bashir\\\textbf{Advisor:} Prof. Dr. Name here\\
\textbf{Co-advisor:} Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Name here}
\institute{Faculty of Electrical Engineering,\\
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
Topi (Swabi)}
\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%
\definecolor{blue(pigment)}{rgb}{0.2, 0.2, 0.6}
\def\bsq{\color{blue(pigment)} $\blacksquare$ \color{black}}
% Set Title Slide Background Here
\usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight]{gmain}}
% Set Other all Silde Background Here
\usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight]{gother.pdf}}
% Slide 1
} \label{slide1}
\bsq Background\\
\bsq Objective\\
\bsq Motivation\\
\bsq Device Fabrication\\
\bsq Results at~\ref{results} \\
Include other contents if required.
\begin{frame}{Motivation \& Background\\\rule{10.5cm}{0.5pt}} \label{slide2}
\includegraphics[width=0.6\paperwidth]{4}%figure name is 4 here
\begin{frame}{Background\\\rule{10.5cm}{0.5pt}} \label{slide3}
\bsq Here goes the background \\
\bsq Use graphics if required \\
\bsq Also add caption if required \\
\includegraphics[width=0.5\paperwidth]{5}%figure name is 5 here
\caption{Agha Hasan Abidi Auditorium}
\begin{frame}{Results} \label{results}
\includegraphics[trim=10 15 50 30,clip,width=0.8\paperwidth]{results.pdf} % Crop image [trim = <left><bottom><right><top>]
\begin{frame}{Tabular Data\\\rule{10.5cm}{0.5pt}} \label{summary}
\caption{Comparative Analysis}
\textbf{Device} & \textbf{Parameter A} & \textbf{Parameter B} & \textbf{Parameter C} & \textbf{Reference} \\ \hline
\textbf{TE} & A & B & C & {[}1{]} \\ \hline
\textbf{PV-TE} & A & B & C & {[}2{]} \\ \hline
\textbf{STEG} & A & B & C & {[}3{]} \\ \hline
\begin{frame}{Thanks} \label{lastslide}
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