\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{times} % Use Times font
\usepackage{authblk} % Package for superscript affiliations
\usepackage{graphicx} % Package for handling citations
% Header with logo
% \centering
\fontsize{8}{10}\selectfont % Set font size to 8
\textbf{Joint event Euromech Colloquium on Data-Driven Fluid Dynamics/2nd ERCOFTAC Workshop on Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics, 2-4 April 2025, London, UK}
% Abstract section
{ \fontsize{16}{10} \textbf{Abstract Title Here} } \\
\normalsize \textbf{Author Name(s)$^{1,2}$} \\ % Example of superscript for affiliations
{ \fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont \textit{$^1$ Affiliation 1, $^2$ Affiliation 2} } \\ % Example of superscript for multiple affiliations
{ \fontsize{9}{10}\textit{Corresponding author: Author Name (email@example.com)}} \\
% Abstract content
Your abstract text goes here. { \bf The maximum limit is 1 page.} This is a placeholder for the abstract content, which should provide a concise summary of the main points of your research, including the background, methods, results, and conclusions. This is a sample abstract where we cite a reference \cite{sample1}.
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust space after header
\caption{Sample figure caption.}