KAUST Presentation Template
Guillermo Granados Garcia, Aleksandrs Krivickis
Last Updated
před 3 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a generic presentation template featuring KAUST logos.
%% This Beamer template is based on the one found here: https://github.com/sanhacheong/stanford-beamer-presentation, and edited to be used for Stanford ARM Lab
% Enable colored hyperlinks
% The following three lines are for crossmarks & checkmarks
\usepackage{pifont}% http://ctan.org/pkg/pifont
% Numbered captions of tables, pictures, etc.
% Bibliography settings
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel}
% Glossary entries
\newacronym{ML}{ML}{machine learning}
\newacronym{HRI}{HRI}{human-robot interactions}
\newacronym{RNN}{RNN}{Recurrent Neural Network}
\newacronym{LSTM}{LSTM}{Long Short-Term Memory}
\footnotesize \href{mailto:author.1@kaust.edu.sa}{author.1@kaust.edu.sa} \\
% Author Two \\
% \footnotesize \href{mailto:author.2@kaust.edu.sa}{author.2@kaust.edu.sa}
\vskip 5pt
\vskip 10pt
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology\\
\vskip 3pt
% \date{June 15, 2020}
\begin{frame} \maketitle \end{frame}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}[circle]
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Item 3
\item Subitem 1
\item Subitem 2
Citation 1 \cite{Fortunato2010}. Citation 2 \cite{NewmanGirvan2004}.
\begin{frame}{Materials and Methods}