KMD Thesis Template (Keio University)
Daniel Wang
Last Updated
před 9 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A masters thesis template for Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University.
A masters thesis template for Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University.
%%This is the KMD un-official thesis template (Engineering Format for English Writer).
%\usepackage{kmd-jmthesis} %Japanese
\usepackage{ccaption} % caption
\usepackage{fn2end} %footnotes script
\usepackage{fn2end_config} %footnotes edit script
% Page Style Settings
\pagestyle{final} % Final Draft
%\pagestyle{draft} % Drafts
% Language Settings
%\lang{Japanese} % Japanese
\lang{English} % English
% Student ID number
% Choosing Masters Thesis or Report
\doctitle{\mastersthesis} % Masters Thesis
%\doctitle{\mastersreport} % Report
% What Degree to obtain
\major{\mediadesign} % Degree of Media Design
% Title (in LaTeX)
\etitle{A Thesis Title}
% Title (in plain text)
% No need to set if the same as (in LaTeX)
% \eptitle{Practice of Design Thinking Workshop to Develop ``Media Innovator'' Leading Creative Society}
%Author's Name (in LaTeX)
\eauthor{Masa Inakage}
% Author's Name (in plain text)
% No need to set if the same as in (in LaTeX)
% \epauthor{Masa Inakage}
% Academic Year
% Advisors
%\echmembers{Professor Hideki Sunahara}{(Supervisor)}
% {Professor Akira Kato}{(Co-supervisor)}
%If 5
% Supervisor, Co-supervisor, and Member must be specified.
%\ecomembers{Professor Shunsuke Uemura}{(Supervisor)}
% {Professor Minoru Ito}{(Co-supervisor)}
% {Associate Professor Masatoshi Yoshikawa}{(Member, Nagoya University)}
% {Associate Professor xxxxxx xxxxxx}{(Member)}
%\eaddcomembers{Associate Professor oooooo oooooo}{(Member)}
% If 4
%\ecomembers{Professor Hideki Sunahara}{(Supervisor)}
% {Professor Akira Kato}{(Co-supervisor)}
% {Professor Nobuo Kawaguchi}{(Member, Nagoya University)}
% {Associate Professor xxxxxx xxxxxx}{(Member)}
% If 3
\ecomembers{Associate Professor Kazunori Sugiura}{(Supervisor)}
{Professor Hideki Sunahara}{(Co-Supervisor)}
{Professor Ichiya Nakamura}{(Co-Supervisor)}
% If 2
% \ecomembers{Professor Hideki Sunahara}{(Supervisor)}
% {Professor Akira Kato}{(Co-supervisor)}
% 5 or 6 Keywords (in LaTeX)
\ekeywords{Network, KMD, Latex}
% 5 or 6 Keywords (in plain text)
% No need to set if the same as in (in LaTeX)
% \epkeywords{Design Thinking, Creative Society, Workshop, Innovation, Education}
%Choose one submission category from [Design, Science / Engineering, Social Science / Humanities, Action Research]
\ecategory{Science / Engineering}
%Choose one submission category from [Design, Science / Engineering, Social Science / Humanities, Action Research] (in plain text)
% \ecategory{Science / Engineering}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur porta augue, at interdum nunc lobortis at. Morbi feugiat facilisis justo, vitae maximus dolor. Cras convallis at elit in porta. Fusce lobortis tortor nibh, quis imperdiet arcu luctus quis. Mauris imperdiet urna eu mauris aliquet, vitae tincidunt orci dapibus. Vestibulum convallis elit ut velit accumsan cursus. Pellentesque lacus lacus, blandit eu felis vitae, pellentesque dignissim est.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% document starts here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Table of Contents
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Acknowledgements here%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur porta augue, at interdum nunc lobortis at. Morbi feugiat facilisis justo, vitae maximus dolor. Cras convallis at elit in porta. Fusce lobortis tortor nibh, quis imperdiet arcu luctus quis. Mauris imperdiet urna eu mauris aliquet, vitae tincidunt orci dapibus. Vestibulum convallis elit ut velit accumsan cursus. Pellentesque lacus lacus, blandit eu felis vitae, pellentesque dignissim est.
%\nocite{*} %Use if you want to list everything listed in bibtex, if not comment it out
%Style of Bibliography