Modelo Tese Engenharia de Produção UNIP
Joao Reis
Last Updated
před 8 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Modelo Tese Engenharia de Produção Universidade Paulista (UNIP)
Modelo Tese Engenharia de Produção Universidade Paulista (UNIP)
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%Pre-textual elements
\include{Pre_textual/pretex} %Pre-textual elements, Dedication, Acknowledgements and Epigraph
\include{Pre_textual/abstract} %Summary and Abstract
\include{Pre_textual/lists} %Illustrations and Tables lists
\include{Pre_textual/abbreviationsAcronyms}%To edit, go to abbreviationsAcronyms file into Pre_textuais folder
%\include{Pre_textual/simbols}%To edit, go to simbols file into Pre_textuais folder
%Chapters - By doing the compilation include only the chapters you want with the following command. For the chapters that will not be used, just comment with - The main chapters are on the Chapters folder.
%% APA style
%Post-textual. likewise chapters