% msuthesis.tex
%10/1/14 Edited fronmatter names, dates. Clarified document overall.
%\usepackage[light,first]{draftcopy} %remove for final version
% book design declarations------------
% graphics format declarations------------
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%%%% according to the types of graphics files you will use in figures.%%
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} %MSU%%%for *.jpg, *.png, *.pdf
%\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} %MSU%%%for *.eps only
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%%% bibliography definitions %%%%
%%% local definitions %%%
%%% Front matter info %%%
%maximum 3 title lines on title page
% The first line of your title must be in booktitle. The other lines are optional.
\renewcommand{\booktitle}{Guidelines for dissertations, theses, and project reports in}
\renewcommand{\booktitletwo}{the Department of Computer Science and Engineering:}
\renewcommand{\booktitlethree}{Typesetting using LaTeX}
%default abstracttitle is all booktitle lines on one line
\renewcommand{\authorname}{Edward B. Allen}
\renewcommand{\doctype}{Thesis} %Dissertation, project, whatever you like
%default university is Mississippi State University
%default city is Mississippi State
%default state is Mississippi
\renewcommand{\department}{Department of Computer Science and Engineering}
\renewcommand{\major}{Computer Science}
\renewcommand{\majorprofessor}{Dr. Donna S. Reese}
\renewcommand{\thesisdirector}{} %default thesisdirector is same as major professor
\renewcommand{\degree}{Master of Science}
book design,
%%% other definitions %%%%%
\renewcommand{\listofsymbolsname}{List of Symbols, Abbreviations, and Nomenclature}
\begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frontmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\copyrightpage %MSU recommended
%default \setlength{\sigwidth}{2.8in}
%default \setlength{\sigheight}{0.5in}
Donna S. Reese
}{(Major Professor)
Edward Allen Luke
}{(Committee Member)
J. Edward Swan II
}{(Committee Member)
T. J. Jankun-Kelly
}{(Graduate Coordinator)
Jason M. Keith
}{Interim Dean
}{Bagley College of Engineering
%%%% MSU 4/23/08 Dean's name even though associate dean signs
% %%%MSU the following logic is for optional key words
% If kwlist is empty, then keywords line is not printed.
\lengthtest{\tmplen > 0pt}%
\noindent Key words: \kwlist
%%%end MSU
%Correct page numbering requires
%either \dedication or \acknowledgments\setcounter{page}{2}
%default is to make Dedication page ii
\dedication %MSU%%%required here for correct page numbering. Guidelines says optional
To Angie.
\acknowledgments %MSU optional but not optional for this template
%Uncomment this \setcounter if there is no dedication
%\setcounter{page}{2} %MSU%%%title page is page 1, other pages not counted
\listofsymbols %MSU optional%%% list of symbols, abbreviations, and special nomenclature
%%%preface not implemented%%%
\mainmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Getting Started}
\chapter{Preparing References}
\chapter{Typesetting the Body of Your Thesis}
\chapter{Typesetting Tables and Figures}
\chapter{Typesetting Mathematics}
\chapter{Frequently Asked Questions}
\backmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\appendix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%MSU library requires title page for each appendix
\renewcommand{\appendixname}{\vspace*{3.25in}Appendix} %for appendix title page. title centered vertically
\chapter{An Appendix Title}
\newpage %end of appendix title page
\input{exappendix} %content of appendix
%end msuthesis.tex