%\documentclass{ngsm2024} % Include author names
\documentclass[anon]{ngsm2024} % Author names withheld
% The following packages will be automatically loaded:
% amsmath, amssymb, natbib, graphicx, url, algorithm2e
\title[Are SSMs better than Transformers?]{Are SSMs better than Transformers at Reasoning?}
% Use \Name{Author Name} to specify the name.
% If the surname contains spaces, enclose the surname
% in braces, e.g. \Name{John {Smith Jones}} similarly
% if the name has a "von" part, e.g \Name{Jane {de Winter}}.
% If the first letter in the forenames is a diacritic
% enclose the diacritic in braces, e.g. \Name{{\'E}louise Smith}
% Authors with the same address:
\Name{Pinco Pallino} \Email{pinco@sample.com}\\
\Name{Mario Rossi} \Email{xyz@sample.com}\\
\addr University, US}
% Authors with different addresses:
% \Name{Author Name1} \Email{abc@sample.com}\\
% \addr Address 1
% \AND
% \Name{Author Name2} \Email{xyz@sample.com}\\
% \addr Address 2%
Place abstract here
% List of keywords%
Main text limited to 4 pages, excluding references and appendices.
\subsection{Citations (\texttt{natbib} package)}
Attention~\citep{vaswani2017attention} is pervasive in deep learning.
% \subsection{Algorithms (\texttt{algorithm2e} package)}
% For how to use this package, check out the \href{https://mirror.foobar.to/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/algorithm2e/doc/algorithm2e.pdf}{doc}. You are free to choose another package.
% \begin{algorithm2e}
% \caption{Example Algorithm}
% \SetAlgoLined
% \KwData{this text}
% \KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
% \While{not at end of this document}{
% read current\;
% \eIf{understand}{
% go to next section\;
% current section becomes this one\;
% }{
% go back to the beginning of current section\;
% }
% }
% \end{algorithm2e}
% \begin{figure}
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{example-image-a}
% \caption{This is a figure.}
% \end{figure}