% NIT Patna Resume Template v2.1
% Author: Pavan Kumar Dubasi
% NIT Patna - IMSc., Mathematics (2019-24)
% LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/im-pavankumar/
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% Define personal information
\newcommand{\name}{Full Name} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{Bachelor of Technology} % Your Course
\newcommand{\roll}{XXXXXX} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{xxxxxxxxxx} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{personalmail@email.com} % Email 1
\newcommand{\emailb}{officialemail@nitp.ac.in} % Email 2
\newcommand{\github}{username} % Github
\newcommand{\website}{https://example.com/} % Website
\newcommand{\linkedin}{linkedinuser} % LinkedIn
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r}
\textbf{\LARGE \name} & +91-\phone \\
\course & \href{mailto:\emailb}{\emailb} \\
Your Department & \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/\linkedin}{linkedin.com/in/\linkedin} \\
National Institute of Technology, Patna
& \href{https://github.com/\github}{github.com/\github} \\
\textbf{Degree/Certificate} & \textbf{Institute/Board} & \textbf{CGPA/Percentage} & \textbf{Year} \\
B.Tech., CSE & National Institute of Technology, Patna & [CGPA] & [Month Year] \\
Senior Secondary & [Institute/Board] & [CGPA] & [Month Year] \\
Secondary & [Institute/Board] & [CGPA] & [Month Year] \\
{Company A [\href{https://www.companya.com}{\faIcon{globe}}]}{City, Country}
{Job Title A}{Month Year - Month Year}
\item Developed [specific achievement] achieving [specific metric] in [specific area]
\item Implemented [technology/method], enhancing [specific aspect] by [specific percentage]
\item Conducted analysis on [specific data], identifying [key findings]
\item Presented findings at [specific event], receiving [specific recognition]
{Company B [\href{https://www.companyb.com}{\faIcon{globe}}]}{Remote}
{Job Title B}{Month Year - Month Year}
\item Engineered a [specific system/model], improving [specific metric] by [percentage]
\item Developed [specific tool/method], increasing [specific aspect] by [percentage]
\item Implemented [specific system], reducing [specific metric] by [percentage]
\item Conducted [specific test/analysis] to validate [specific aspect]
{Project A: [Brief Description]}
{Tools: [List of tools and technologies used]}
{Month Year - Month Year}
\item Developed [specific feature/system] for [specific purpose]
\item Implemented [specific technology] for [specific goal], achieving [specific result]
\item Created [specific component], ensuring [specific benefit]
\item Applied [specific method] to analyze [specific aspect]
{Project B: [Brief Description]}
{Tools: [List of tools and technologies used]}
{Month Year}
\item Designed [specific component/tool] for [specific function]
\item Integrated [specific technology] to enhance [specific feature]
\item Evaluated [specific process] leading to [specific outcome]
\item Collaborated with [specific team/individual] on [specific aspect]
\resumeSubItem{Programming Languages}{: [List of languages]}
\resumeSubItem{Technologies}{: [List of technologies]}
\resumeSubItem{Tools}{: [List of tools]}
{Issuing Organization 1} % Certification Name
{, \href{www.Certification.com}{Certification 1}} % Issuer
{Month Year} % Duration
{Issuing Organization 2} % Certification Name
{, \href{www.Certification.com}{Certification 2}} % Issuer
{Month Year} % Duration
\resumePOR{}{\href{insert your achievement link here }{ Achievement 1 }}{}
\resumePOR{}{\href{insert your achievement link here }{ Achievement 2 }}{}
\resumePOR{}{\href{insert your achievement link here }{ Achievement 3 }}{}
\section{\textbf{Positions of Responsibility}}
\resumePOR{\href{www.Position.com}{Position A}, } % Position
{Club/ Society/ Cell, NITP} %Club,Event
{Month Year} %Tenure Period
\resumePOR{\href{www.Position.com}{Position B}, } % Position
{Club/ Society/ Cell, NITP} %Club,Event
{Month Year} %Tenure Period