NTHU MS Entrance Exam Template
Pai-Hsiang Chou
Last Updated
před 3 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the MS entrance exam at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Uses exam document class.
% This is a template for the MS Entrance Exam at National Tsing Hua University. The university only provdes a Microsoft Word template, which is difficult to jointly collaborate and integrate multiple exam writers' questions. This LaTeX template attempts to approximate the official Word template but may require more fine tuning. It uses the exam documentclass, which can provide a rich collection of question formats.
%It can also be compiled with the answers option to show the solution key. Alternatively, you can also do \printanswers at the beginning of the exam.
}{\ctext{\fontsize{16}{20}\selectfont 國立清華大學111學年度碩士班考試入學試題}\\~\\~\\}
{~\\~\\~\\~\\~\\\vspace{12pt}\ctext{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont 共{\underline{\numpages}}頁,第{\underline{\thepage}}頁~~~ *請在【答案卷、卡】作答}}
題號 & 每題計分 & 選別 & 是否倒扣? & 備註\\\hline
1 $\sim$ 40 & 2.5 分 & 單選 & 是,答錯扣率: 1/5 (即0.5分) & \\\hline
\question[5] Where is the main campus located?
\CorrectChoice City of Hsinchu (\ctext{新竹市}).
\choice City of Taipei (\ctext{台北市}).
\choice New York City.
\choice Amsterdam.
\choice San Francisco.
\question[5] Who was the President of NTHU in 2004?
\choice \ctext{陳力俊}.
\choice \ctext{陳文村}.
\choice \ctext{賀陳弘}.
\choice \ctext{梅貽琦}.
\CorrectChoice \ctext{劉炯朗}.
\question[10] Are electric scooters allowed on campus? Why or why not?
\question[10] Compute $\displaystyle\int_0^1 x^2\,dx$
\question[10] Tell us about yourself.
\question[10] Tell us why you are applying to NTHU.
\question[20] What if there were no trees at NTHU?
\part[5] Would NTHU be indistinguishable from NYCU?
\part[5] Would all of NTHU be under water?
\part[5] Would NTHU be all grass?
\part[5] Would there be anybody left?
% This allows you to redefine the word for "points" if you want to show this in another language other than English by default.
\question[5] What is your favorite building?
\choice Delta Building.
\CorrectChoice Macronix Library.
\choice General Administration Building.
\choice Nuclear reactor.
\choice TSMC Building.
\question[10] \fillin[National Tsing Hua University][2in] is the full name of NTHU.
\fullwidth{The following are True/False Questions. The fullwidth command can be given to provide instructions for the next set of questions without the indentation problem.}
\question[10] In the space below, plot the trajectory of a bouncing ball.