% Load the class with the 'code' option to typeset code snippets
% Then you must have minted installed and compile with the -shell-escape option
\course{SC4012/CE4067/CZ4067}{SOFTWARE SECURITY}
\quiztitle{SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION 2024-2025}
\monthyear{Apr/May 2025}
\length{2 hours}
% Override exam instructions below if necessary
% \noindent{\bfseries\underline{INSTRUCTIONS}}
% \begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=*,labelsep=20pt,topsep=0pt]
% \item This paper contains \numquestions~questions and comprises \pageref{LastPage} pages.
% \item Answer \textbf{ALL} questions.
% \item This is a closed-book examination.
% \end{enumerate}
% Do not print solutions by default
% To print solutions, use this instead
% \printanswers
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QUESTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\question \lipsum[1][1]
\part[10] \label{part:1a} \lipsum[1][1-2]
\part[15] \lipsum[1][3] As given in \cref{part:1a}, \lipsum[1][4-5]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QUESTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\question[25] \lipsum[1][1-3]
\item \lipsum[2][1]
\item \lipsum[2][2]
\item \lipsum[2][3]
%%%%%%% A sample code snippet
% \begin{minted}[breaklines]{c}
% void dummy(int a)
% {
% int x = 1, y = 0;
% assert(x - a != 0);
% }
% \end{minted}
\caption{A dummy figure.}\label{fig:test}
% This marks the end of a question in case the footnote warning does not work correctly
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QUESTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\part \lipsum[1][1-3]
\subpart[5] \lipsum[1][1] \label{part:format-read}
\subpart[5] \lipsum[1][3]
\part[15] \Cref{fig:dummy} \lipsum[1][4-5]
% Override the figure number to Q3 (instead of Q3a)
% Having a figure as the only thing placed on the next page should be avoided.
% \droppoints is placed after the figure as a workaround to ensure that the reminder still appears
% in the footer.
% This marks the end of a question in case the footnote warning does not work correctly
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QUESTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\part \lipsum[1][1-3]
\subpart[8] \lipsum[1][1]
\subpart[7] \lipsum[1][3]
\phantom{text} & \phantom{text} & \phantom{text} & \phantom{text} & \phantom{text} \\
\phantom{text} & \phantom{text} & \phantom{text} & \phantom{text} & \phantom{text} \\
\part[10] \lipsum[1][1-3]