PanAfriCon AI 2022 proceedings template
Achim Ibenthal, Taye Girma, Israel Goytom
Last Updated
před 2 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for the PanAfriCon AI 2022 conference.
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% template.tex %
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% CONTENT: PanAfriCon AI 2022 proceedings template %
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% REVISION HISTORY 17-JUN-22: Initial Version %
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% Author, Date and Title Data %
\renewcommand{\doctitle} {Artificial Superintelligence}
\renewcommand{\docheader} {M. Author et al.: Artificial Superintelligence}
\renewcommand{\docauthor} {Mike Author\textsuperscript{1},
Linda Writer\textsuperscript{2},
Bob Editor\textsuperscript{3}}
\renewcommand{\docaffiliation} {\textsuperscript{1}Artificial Intelligence
University, New Atlantis,
\email{}, \\
\textsuperscript{2}Yottaflops Computers,
Utopia Planetia,
\email{}, \\
\textsuperscript{3}Andromeda Institute of
Technology, Andromeda,
\renewcommand{\docdate} {\today}
% \selectlanguage{english}
% Title & Author %
% Abstract & Keywords %
{\parindent 3ex
\textbf{\textsf{Keywords:}} lorem, ipsum, dolor}
% Section 1 %
% Section 2 %
\lipsum[3] Cf. \cite{Sim22,Fli22}.
%----------------------------- 1 Column Figure -------------------------------%
\fig{Lorem ipsum.} % caption
{fig:label1} % label
{0.8} % relative size
{picture1} % file name
{0} % additional space to caption text (no units)
%------------------------------ 1 Column Table --------------------------------%
\tab{Lectus sagitus data.} % caption
{tab:label1} % label
{-1} % additional space to caption text (no units)
{1.05} % vertical line stretch (no units)
& \headcell{Sagitus}
& \headcell{Aliquam} \\
0 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & 2 & 3 \\
2 & 4 & 9 \\
3 & 8 & 27 \\
\dots & \dots & \dots \\
%----------------------------- 2 Column Figure -------------------------------%
\figtwocol{Lirum larum.} % caption
{fig:bigpic} % label
{0.95} % relative size
{picture2} % file name
{0} % additional space below (no units)
%------------------------------ 2 Column Table --------------------------------%
\tabtwocol{Alean placerat definitions.} % caption
{tab:label2} % label
{-1} % additional space to caption text (no units)
{1.05} % vertical line stretch (no units)
& \headcell{Sagitus}
& \headcell{Aliquam} \\
& \parbox[t]{0.4\hsize}{\lipsum[20][1-2]}
& \parbox[t]{0.4\hsize}{\lipsum[20][3-5]} \\
& \parbox[t]{0.4\hsize}{\lipsum[21][1-2]}
& \parbox[t]{0.4\hsize}{\lipsum[21][3-5]} \\
& \parbox[t]{0.4\hsize}{\lipsum[22][1-2]}
& \parbox[t]{0.4\hsize}{\lipsum[22][3-5]} \\
l_{orem} & = & \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} i_{psum}(t) \; \mbox{d}t \nonumber\\
& = & \frac{i_{psum}(0)}{d_{olor}}.
l_{irum} & = & \sum_{k=0}^{\lceil\pi\rceil} l_{arum}(k).
% Section 3 %
% Section N %
% References %
% Biography %
\textbf{Mike Author} \lipsum[20]
\textbf{Linda Writer} \lipsum[21]
\textbf{Bob Editor} \lipsum[22]