overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Welcome to overleaf, (formerly writeLaTeX) --- just edit your LaTeX on the left, and we'll compile it for you on the right. If you give someone the link to your project, they can edit at the same time. If you create a free overleaf account, all your projects will be saved. See the help menu above for more info. Enjoy! My thanks to Dana Ernst of Northern Arizona University for sharing his template with me. This is largely his work.

American Journal Experts (AJE) has helped thousands of researchers get their manuscripts published in the best journals in the world. In addition to preparing figures and formatting manuscripts to journal guidelines, AJE offers high-quality English editing by subject-area experts to help you polish your manuscript. This LaTeX template provides a quick and convenient way to start preparing your article. Simply click the 'Open as template' button above to start writing your paper in Overleaf. When you're ready, use the 'Submit' button from within the Overleaf editor to send your files directly to AJE.

A Statement of Purpose template with example sections and dummy text.

LaTeX template for C240 Models of Computation assessed coursework Contains macros for typesetting operational semantic rules and proof trees and other notation used in the first half of the course. Department of Computing, Imperial College London

It is a math template. It's not the best .

Use this as a template for your LNT seminar report.

Basic template I use in most of my projects.

A custom .sty and template for college math homework.

Barebones mathematics template with some commonly included packages.
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