overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Graduation Project Report Template Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Birzeit University

LaTeX template for paper submissions to the 2022 International Electric Propulsion Conference.

Modelo LaTeX do PPGSE da UTFPR que atende às normas NBR 6023/2018, 6024/2012, 6027/2012, 6028/2003, 6034/2004, 10520/2002, 14724/2011 e 15287/2011, com todas as opções de licenças Creative Commons.

Essa ficha de sítio arqueológico foi feita baseada nas fichas de dados de sítios arqueológicos do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Arqueológicas (CEPA).

This is a template for Kumamoto University's paper.

Basic template for the master thesis at University of Turin, Computer Science dept.

Unofficial presentation template with the University of Memphis branding. However, this template does not guarantee the satisfaction of the branding requirements.

North American GeoGebra Journal template

simple template for presentation with cesbio colors & logo
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