\title{Science Textbook}
\newcommand{\booksubtitle}{A Latex Template for a Science Textbook}
\newcommand{\booklicense}{Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal}
\author{Author Name}
% Author subtitle could be a university or a geographical location, for example
\newcommand{\authorsubtitle}{City, Country}
% Create convenient commands \booktitle and \bookauthor
% This utf8 declaration is not needed for versions of latex > 2018 but may
% be helpful for older software. Eventually it may not be worth keeping.
\usepackage{fix-cm} % this package allows large \fontsize
\usepackage{tikz} % this is for graphics. e.g. rectangle on title page
\usepackage{amsmath} % Used by equations
% The following dimensions specify 4.75" X 7.5" content on 6 3/8" by 9 1/4"
% paper. The paper width and height can be tweaked as required and the content
% should size to fit within the margins accordingly.
% The (inside) bindingoffset should be larger for books with more pages. Some
% standard recommended sizes are .375in minimum up to 1in for 600+ page books.
% Sizes .75in and .875in are also recommended roughly at 150 and 400 pages.
left=.5in, right=.5in,
top=.8125in, bottom=.9375in,
paperwidth=6.375in, paperheight=9.25in]{geometry}
% Here is an alternative geometry for reading on letter size paper:
% \usepackage[margin=.75in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents} % default is {Contents}
\makeindex % Initialize an index so we can add entries with \index
% The next few commands are for creating fake content to fill out the template.
% You should delete this (e.g. everything up to, but not including,
% \begin{document}) after you insert your own content.
% Example content from Einstein's Meaning of Relativity.
% Public domain book: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/36276
\newcommand{\fakeparagraph}{The theory of relativity is intimately connected
with the theory of space and time. I shall therefore begin with a brief
investigation of the origin of our ideas of space and time, although in
doing so I know that I introduce a controversial subject. The object of all
science, whether natural science or psychology, is to co-ordinate our
experiences and to bring them into a logical system. How are our customary
ideas of space and time related to the character of our experiences?}
\section{First Principles}\fakecontent{}
\subsection{Excessive Elaborations}\fakecontent{}
\subsection{Long Winded Conclusion}\fakecontent{}
\section{Theory vs Practice}\fakecontent{}
\subsection{Excessive Elaborations}\fakecontent{}
\subsection{Long Winded Conclusion}\fakecontent{}
\foreach \x in {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z}
{\index{\x 1}\index{\x 2}}
% Content Starts Here
% ---- Half Title Page ----
% current geometry will be restored after title page
% Title
\textbf{\fontfamily{qcs}\fontsize{48}{54}\selectfont Science\\Textbook\\}
% Draw a line 4pt high
% Subtitle
% Shaded box from left to right. Text node is midway (centered).
\shade[bottom color=lightgray,top color=white]
(0,0) rectangle (\textwidth, 1.5)
node[midway] {\textbf{\large \textit{\booksubtitle}}};
% Edition Number
\Large First Edition
% \vspace{\fill}
% ---- End of Half Title Page ----
% No page numbers on the Frontispiece page
% ---- Title Page ----
% current geometry will be restored after title page
% Title
\textbf{\fontfamily{qcs}\fontsize{48}{54}\selectfont Science\\Textbook\\}
% Draw a line 4pt high
% Shaded box from left to right with Subtitle
% The text node is midway (centered).
\shade[bottom color=lightgray,top color=white]
(0,0) rectangle (\textwidth, 1.5)
node[midway] {\textbf{\large \textit{\booksubtitle}}};
% Edition Number
\Large First Edition
% Author and Location
\textbf{\large \bookauthor}\\[3.5pt]
\textbf{\large \textit{\authorsubtitle}}
% Self Publishing Logo. Free to use: CC0 license.
% The source file is book.svg. If you change the svg, you must then convert
% it to pdf. There are many online and offline tools available to do that.
\fontfamily{lmtt}\small{Self Publishers Worldwide\\
Seattle San Francisco New York\\
London Paris Rome Beijing Barcelona}
% ---- End of Title Page ----
% Do not show page numbers on colophon page
This book was typeset using \LaTeX{} software.\\
Copyright \textcopyright{} \the\year{} \bookauthor\\
License: \booklicense
% A title page resets the page # to 1, but the second title page
% was actually page 3. So add two to page counter.
% The asterisk excludes chapter from the table of contents.
&\sqrt{{dX_{1}}^{2} + {dX_{2}}^{2} + {dX_{3}}^{2}} \\
&= \left(1 + \frac{\kappa}{8\pi} \int \frac{\sigma\, dV_{0}}{r}\right)
\sqrt{{dx_{1}}^{2} + {dx_{2}}^{2} + {dx_{3}}^{2}}, \\
dT &= \left(1 - \frac{\kappa}{8\pi} \int \frac{\sigma\, dV_{0}}{r}\right) dl.
% Three-level Table of Contents
\chapter{Theory of Numbers}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Irrational and Transcendent Numbers}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Complex Numbers}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Quaternions and Ausdehnungslehre}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Theory of Equations}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Substitutions and Groups}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Differential Equations}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Infinite Series}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Theory of Functions}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Probabilities and Least Squares}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Analytic Geometry}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Modern Geometry}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Trigonometry and Elementary Geometry}\fakesections{}
\chapter{Non-Euclidean Geometry}\fakesections{}
\chapter{General Tendencies}\fakesections{}