Submission template for Journal of Photonics Research
Clausius Scientific Press
Last Updated
před 5 lety
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Downloaded from the journal website.
Downloaded from the journal website.
%% Copyright 2016 Icm Ltd
\author[mymainaddress,mysecondaryaddress]{Icm Inc}
%\author[mysecondaryaddress]{Global Customer Service\corref{mycorrespondingauthor}}
%\cortext[mycorrespondingauthor]{Corresponding author}
\address[mymainaddress]{1600 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia}
\address[mysecondaryaddress]{360 Park Avenue South, New York}
The paper must have at least one keyword. This paragraph should be justified with a linespace single and with a spacing before of exactly 18-points. The text should be set in 12-point font size and without the use of bold or italic font style. For more than one keyword, please use a comma as a separator. Keywords must be titlecased.
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 100 and at most 300 words. It should be set in 12-point font size. There should be a space before of 18-point and after of 60-point
Your paper will be part of the journals therefore we ask that authors follow the guidelines explained in this example, in order to achieve the highest quality possible \cite{Dirac1953888}. while
Be advised that papers in a technically unsuitable form will be returned for retyping. After returned the manuscript must be appropriately modified \cite{Feynman1963118}.
\section{ Manuscript Preparation}
We strongly encourage authors to use this document for the preparation of the camera-ready. Please follow the instructions closely in order to make the volume look as uniform as possible.
Please remember that all the papers must be in English and without orthographic errors.
Do not add any text to the headers (do not set running heads) and footers, not even page numbers, because text will be added electronically.
For a best viewing experience the used font must be Times New Roman, on a Macintosh use the font named times, except on special occasions, such as program code.
\subsection{Page Setup}
The paper size must be set to A4 (210x297 mm). The document margins must be the following:
Top: 3.5 cm;
Bottom: 2.5 cm;
Left: 2 cm;
Right: 2 cm.
It is advisable to keep all the given values.
Regarding the page layout, authors should set the Section Start to Continuous with the vertical alignment to the top and the following header and footer:
Header: 1.5 cm;
Footer: 1.5 cm.
\subsubsection{Page Setup}
The paper size must be set to A4 (210x297 mm). The document margins must be the following
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