% You may wish to use some of the following options of the iitthesis
% package:
% fullpageDraft avoid the margins necessary for proper binding and
% just view or print a draft.
% beforeDefense makes the personal acknowledgements invisible;
% use this to print the copies you submit initially to the grad school
% for sending to the opponent panel, i.e. thesis readers (who shouldn't
% see those parts). For the final submission, after having successfully
% defended - drop this option.
% noabbrevs no notation & abbreviations list will be included
% in the thesis.
% Additionally, you must specify the degree for which you're writing
% your thesis (MSc/PhD/MArch etc.)
% Definitions of info fields for the thesis - subject, advisor,
% faculty, acknowledgements, etc. etc. This file must contain Hebrew
% text, so the question of its character set encoding is significant.
% This templated uses the iso-8859-8-i charset (i.e. single-byte logical
% Hebrew; it's about the same as the windows-1255 codepage, but not the
% same as UTF-8) - and this works with MikTeX 2.9 and using pdfelatex.
% With your TeX distribution you might need to create files in the
% UTF-8 charset.
% Personal acknowledgements (are only used for the post-exam
% version)
% The abstract in Hebrew and in English should have its own file.
% Notes:
% - You can split this one, and have separate files for the English
% and the Hebrew abstract
% - regulations require the English abstract contain between 200 and
% 500 words, and the Hebrew abstract contain between 1,000 and 2,000
% words (making it something between an abstract and an introduction
% with an overview of results).
% - Be careful with links in Hebrew text (wrap them in \L{}).
% Additional machinery relevant to any thesis
% (it's not part of the document class because it's not absolutely
% necessary and not everyone might like it)
% Definitions useful for anything you write, which you also
% include in any articles, presentations, HW assignments and other
% documents. May contains macros for notation algebra, logic,
% calculus and other fields, as well as general shorthands and
% LaTeX tricks, and package use commands
% Definitions, settings and tweaks for this thesis specifically
% If you are using WinEdt, and using a publication list on the the
% acknowledgements page, and are having problems getting your document
% to compile with the 'PDFLaTeXify' button, try uncommenting the
% following two lines;
% Also, you will need to PDFLaTeXify at least twice, as WinEdt misses
% an extra run. See also:
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/41727/5640
\newcites{pubinfo}{Acknowledgement page references}
% Front Matter
% ------------
% The following command will typeset the outer cover page, the
% inner title page, the acknowledgements page, etc. - everything
% up to but not including the introduction
% Main Matter
% ------------
% To conform to Technion regulations, the main matter should begin
% with an introduction (including a survey of relevant past work):
% and then cover:
% - The methods used in the research
% - The research results
% - Discussion and conclusions from the results
% but not necessarily with a specific chapter for each of them.
% Then you have your main chapters (although these might still
% include an initial chapter on technical preliminaries, experimental
% system setup, and/or a final chapter with summary, discussion and further
% research direction or questions)
% Add any appendices here; they must come _before_ the bibliography
% Back Matter
% ------------
% The following command will typeset the bibliography,
% then typeset the Hebrew part of the thesis:
% - Cover page
% - Title page
% - Acknowledgements page
% (NO table of contents or list of figures in Hebrew)
% - (Extended) abstract (1000-2000 words)
% based on information you've provided in the thesis-fields file
% (including the relative paths to your bib files). The Hebrew
% content will be typeset in _reverse_page_order_, i.e. first
% in the file will be the last page of the abstract, and the
% Hebrew cover page will be the last page of the file.
% The resulting PDF can be printed and taken straight to binding,
% i.e. you do not need to flip any pages anywhere. Of course,
% mind the LaTeX error and warning messages, overfull hboxes etc.