%%% Notice: This file contains a large number of \verb's
%%% or verbatim environments in order to display command names
%%% or examples. But the use of \verb/verbatim is *not* recommended.
%%% ver.7 2018/05/15
\Received{$\langle$reception date$\rangle$}
\Accepted{$\langle$acception date$\rangle$}
\Published{$\langle$publication date$\rangle$}
%% \SetRunningHead{Astronomical Society of Japan}{Usage of \texttt{pasj00.cls}}
\title{ Usage of \texttt{pasj01.cls}}
\author{PASJ Editorial Office}%
\altaffiltext{}{Astronomical Society of Japan, c/o National Astoronomical Observatory of Japan,
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan }
\KeyWords{key word${}_1$ --- key word${}_2$ --- \dots --- key word${}_n$}
In this document (\texttt{pasj.tex}), we provide a brief explanation about \texttt{pasj01.cls},
the current version of PASJ's document class for authors.
The class file, \texttt{pasj01.cls}, is prepared so that authors can typeset/preview
articles for PASJ under the \textit{standard} {\LaTeXe} system.
Note that it is assumed that authors are used to writing documents in
\LaTeX{} style; that is, this manual shows only the differences of
functions provided by \texttt{pasj01.cls} and those in the \textit{standard} \LaTeXe{}.
Here, we use the phrase ``standard \LaTeX'' for ``\LaTeXe{} without
any optional package.''
The old system, {\LaTeX2.09}, is no longer supported.
When \texttt{pasj01.cls} is applied to an article for PASJ,
the article should be prepared in the standard \LaTeXe{} style with
slight modifications.
That is, a manu\-script has the following structure:
\title{title of the article}
\author{list of authors}
\altaffiltext{}{the authors' affiliation}
%%% some other commands
abstract of the article
\section{First section}
%%% contents
a brief note for an acknowledgment, if any.
\begin{thebibliography}{}%%% references
\bibitem[label]{key} reference entry
The cross-reference system of \LaTeX{} is also available without restriction.
If the \texttt{graphicx} package is available, figures in eps format can be
embedded via the usual figure environment (see section~\ref{sec:figures}).
\textbf{Important Notice:}~The class file \texttt{pasj01.cls} uses
the Times and Helvetica families for its default typeface, which is different
from the current default typeface of the journal. That is, authors cannot
obtain an identical image with the published article unless the class file
is not changed or replaced.
\section{Class options}
The class file \texttt{pasj01.cls} admits the following options:
\item \texttt{draft}: produce ``overfull rules''
(i.e.,~Black boxes will appear everywhere
``overfull \verb/\hbox/'' is occurred.)
\item \texttt{final}: hide ``overfull rules''
\item \texttt{onecolumn}: use one-column format
\item \texttt{twocolumn}: use two-column format
\item \texttt{proof}: typeset in draft-style for a submission
\item \texttt{useamsfonts}: enable to use symbols defined in \textsf{amssymb.sty}
\item \texttt{mfastrosym}: enable to use the font ``astrosym''
Note that the \texttt{mfastrosym} option requires that the font ``astrosym'' (by Peter Schmitt) be \textit{properly}
installed in the \TeX{} system.
\section{Preamble commands}
To produce the title page, each article should contain the following
five items:
\item list of authors/their affiliation\\
\item title\\
\item date of reception/acception\\
\verb/\Received{/\textsl{reception date}\verb/}/,
\verb/\Accepted{/\textsl{acception date}\verb/}/
\item list of key words\\
\verb/\KeyWords{/\textsl{key words}\verb/}/
\item e-mail address, if any \\
\verb/\email{/\textsl{e-mail address}\verb/}/
The title of the article, author name, and affiliation should be typed at
the beginning of the article.
These can be produced using the following input:
\underline{Single affiliation} \\
\verb/ \author{/%
{John} \verb/\textsc{/{Smith}\verb/} /\\
\verb/ / and
{Paul} \verb/\textsc{/{Wood}\verb/} }/\\
\verb/ \affil{/\textsl{Affiliation}\verb/}/\\
\verb/ \email{/\textsl{Address${}_{1}$}, \textsl{Address${}_{2}$}\verb/}/
\underline{Two or more affiliations} \\
\verb/ \author{/%
{John} \verb/\textsc{/{Smith}\verb/}/%\\
\verb/\altaffilmark{1}/ \\
\verb/ / and
{Paul} \verb/\textsc{/{Wood}\verb/}/%\\
\verb/\altaffilmark{2} } / \\
\verb/ \altaffiltext{1}{/\textsl{Affiliation}\verb/}/\\
\verb/ \altaffiltext{2}{/\textsl{Affiliation}\verb/}/\\
\verb/ \email{/\textsl{Address${}_{1}$}, \textsl{Address${}_{2}$}\verb/}/
As shown in the above example, the description
\verb/\altaffilmark{/\textsl{label}\verb/}/ gives a label
and corresponding text is given by \verb/\altaffiltext/ with the same label
in its first argument.
\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash label}, \texttt{\textbackslash ref},
\texttt{\textbackslash cite}, and thebibliography environment}
For cross-references of sections, figures, equations etc., the pair of
commands, \verb/\label/ and \verb/\ref/, is available. Since the usage
of these two commands is exactly the same as that in the standard \LaTeX,
we leave the explanation about \verb/\label/ and \verb/\ref/
to adequate instructions of \LaTeX.
For in-text citations, \texttt{pasj01.cls} provides the system of \verb/\cite/ and
a ``thebibliography'' environment, as in the case of many other class files
of \LaTeX. The syntax of the ``thebibliography'' environment provided
by \texttt{pasj01.cls} is as follows:
Note that the input of \textsl{label}, in the form of
will appear in the result of typesetting.
The \textsl{label} should be typed according to an expression of citation
such as ``Smith (2010),'' ``Wood et al.\ (2002),''
``(Smith \& Wood 2007),'' or ``Smith, Wood, and Fisher (2007).''
\subsection{Miscellaneous citation commands}
In addition to the usual \verb/\cite/ command, \texttt{pasj01.cls} provides
various citation commands.
In the following list, \textsl{key} is a reference key in
the ``thebibliography'' environment and \textsl{author},
\textsl{year} are the corresponding authors and publication year, respectively.
That is, the term
\textsl{key}\verb/}/\dots{} is contained in the ``thebibliography'' environment.
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Description} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Result}\\
\verb/\cite{/\textsl{key}\verb/}/ & \textsl{author} \textsl{year}\\
\verb/\citep{/\textsl{key}\verb/}/ & (\textsl{author} \textsl{year})\\
\verb/\citet{/\textsl{key}\verb/}/ & \textsl{author} (\textsl{year})\\
\verb/\authorcite{/\textsl{key}\verb/}/ & \textsl{author}\\
\verb/\yearcite{/\textsl{key}\verb/}/ & \textsl{year}
If a comma-separated list of reference keys is given as an argument
of the \verb/\cite/ command, we obtain a semicolon-separated list
of reference labels. For other commands, readers can easily find
the result for a list of keys by simple experiments.
\section{Mathematical formulas}
For mathematical formulas, \texttt{pasj01.cls} allows
\verb/$...$/ and ``math'' environment for in-text formulas and
\verb/\[...\]/ and ``displaymath, equation, eqnarray($*$)'' environments
for displayed formulas.
The use of \verb/$$...$$/ for a displayed formula is not recommended.
For mathematical symbols, \textsf{pasj01.cls} allows one to use symbols
provided by the standard \LaTeXe{} and some more symbols given
in table~\ref{table:extramath} (see also subsection \ref{sec:math-symbols}).
Note that if the \texttt{amssymb} package is available,
the \texttt{useamsfonts} class option enables the use of symbols defined
by \textsf{amssymb.sty}.
The class file \texttt{pasj01.cls} supports the embeddings of graphic
files in the EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format as its default.
PDF and PS formats are also acceptable.
To place figures appropriately, the usual ``figure'' environment is available.
As in the standard \LaTeXe, \texttt{pasj01.cls} allows the following description and
figure~\ref{fig:usage} is an example of usage of the ``\mbox{figure}'' environment.
\put( 5, 5){\line( 0, 1){ 90}}
\put( 5, 5){\line( 1, 0){190}}
\put(195, 5){\line( 0, 1){ 90}}
\put( 5, 95){\line( 1, 0){190}}
\put( 5, 5){\line( 2, 1){ 90}}
\put( 5, 95){\line( 2,-1){ 90}}
\put(195, 5){\line(-2, 1){ 90}}
\put(195, 95){\line(-2,-1){ 90}}
\put( 95, 50){\line( 1, 0){ 10}}
\put( 5, 5){\circle {6}}
\put(195, 5){\circle*{6}}
\put( 5, 95){\circle*{6}}
\put(195, 95){\circle {6}}
Simple example of usage of the ``figure'' environment.
This sample figure is a ``picture'' environment and no eps file
is included. If the \texttt{graphicx} package is available
and some appropriate graphic files exist, readers might
observe the usage of the \texttt{\textbackslash includegraphics} command.}%
Though the ``figure'' environment can take one optinal argument showing
possible positions of the figure, the use of this optional argument is
not recommended.
For the location of figure files (or the directory/folder in which
figure files exist), \texttt{pasj01.cls} assumes that figure files and
the \LaTeX{} file containing those figures are placed in the same directory.
\textbf{Important Notice:} Note that authors \textit{must not} use
old packages for graphics, such as \texttt{epsf.sty}, \texttt{epsbox.sty}.
To include tables which are small enough to be contained in one page,
the usual pair of ``table'' and ``tabular'' environments is available.
That is, authors can place a small table as in the following way:
\tbl{Heading of this tabular.\footnotemark[$*$] }{%
\footnotemark[$*$] A brief note of table.
To produce long tables, a simplified version of the ``longtable'' environment
is implemeted. The usege is very similar to that of the ``longtable'' environment
provided by the \texttt{longtable} package.
Thus, a long table can be described as follows:
\caption{Heading of this tabular.}
\multicolumn{8}{c}{first head} \\
A & B & C & D & E & F & G & H \\
A & B & C & D & E & F & G & H \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{some remarks...} \\
a & b & c & d & e & f & g & h \\
............%%% table data
a' & b' & c' & d' & e' & f' & g' & h' \\
Note that this ``longtable'' environment obtains the maximum size
of the width of cells in each column via the aux file. Therefore, it is
required to typeset at least twice to produce a correct table.
For the meanings of \verb/\endhead/ etc., see ``The \LaTeX{} Companion'' or
appropriate instruction for \LaTeXe.
\textbf{Important Notice~1:}~Since PASJ's ``longtable'' environemnt, itself,
is treated like table environments, there is no need to put a long table
in ``table'' environment.
\textbf{Important Notice~2:}~In the ``longtable'' environment, \verb/\caption/
should be placed at the first part of this environment.
Though the \texttt{longtable} package provides some parameters, like
\verb/\LTleft/ and \verb/\LTpre/, the \texttt{pasj01.cls} class file
inhibits one to use those parameters in order to keep the uniformity of
the appearance of the tables in the journal.
\section{Miscellaneous remarks}
\subsection{Draft mode}
The class file \texttt{pasj01.cls} provides the \verb/\draft/ command
to produce a one-column and double-spaced with 12pt fonts.
The \verb/\draft/ command could be simply placed in the preamble
of an article.
A manuscript of submission should be prepared in this style.
\subsection{Additional mathematical symbols}\label{sec:math-symbols}
The symbols in table~\ref{table:extramath} are provided by \textsf{pasj01.cls}.
Some of them are also defined in \textsf{amssymb.sty}, and
the definitions of such commands are replaced with those
in \textsf{amssymb.sty} if \texttt{useamsfont} option is specified.
\tbl{Addtional mathematical symbols.\footnotemark[$*$] }{%
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & Symbol & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & Symbol \\ [2pt]
\texttt{\string\lesssim} & $\lesssim$ &
\texttt{\string\gtrsim} & $\gtrsim$ \\
\texttt{\string\leqq} & $\leqq$ &
\texttt{\string\geqq} & $\geqq$ \\
\texttt{\string\lessgtr} & $\lessgtr$ &
\texttt{\string\gtrless} & $\gtrless$ \\
\texttt{\string\lessapprox} & $\lessapprox$ &
\texttt{\string\gtrapprox} & $\gtrapprox$ \\
\texttt{\string\leftrightarrows} & $\leftrightarrows$ &
\texttt{\string\square} & $\square$ \\
\texttt{\string\diameter} & $\diameter$ &
\texttt{\string\hateqq} & $\hateqq$ \\
\texttt{\string\simless} & $\simless$ &
\texttt{\string\simgtr} & $\simgtr$ \\
\texttt{\string\lesssimeq} & $\lesssimeq$ &
\texttt{\string\gtrsimeq} & $\gtrsimeq$ \\
\texttt{\string\singlebond} & $\singlebond$ &
\texttt{\string\doublebond} & $\doublebond$ \\
\texttt{\string\triplebond} & $\triplebond$ &
\texttt{\string\onehalf} & $\onehalf$ \\
\texttt{\string\onethird} & $\onethird$ &
\texttt{\string\twothirds} & $\twothirds$ \\
\texttt{\string\onequarter} & $\onequarter$ &
\texttt{\string\threequarters} & $\threequarters$ \\
\texttt{\string\micron} & $\micron$ \\ [2pt]
\hbox to6pt{\footnotemark[$*$]\hss}\unskip%
Symbols provided by the standard \LaTeX{} system such as $\cong$, $\approx$ are available.
If the \textsf{amssymb} package is available, then the \textsf{useamsfonts} class option enables
to use the symbols defined by \textsf{amssymb} package.
(Also note that this document is \textit{not} an instruction for \LaTeX{} itself,
we omit a list for those symbols.)
\subsection{Astronomical symbols}
The class file \texttt{pasj01.cls} provides the commands listed
in table~\ref{table:astrosym} for astronomical symbols.
For the symbol of the sun, \verb/\Sol/ and \verb/\solar/ produce
the symbol \Sol.
\tbl{Symbols in font ``astrosym.''
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & Symbol & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & Symbol \\ [2pt]
\texttt{\string\Mercurius} & \Mercurius&
\texttt{\string\Venus} & \Venus \\
\texttt{\string\Terra} & \Terra&
\texttt{\string\Mars} & \Mars \\
\texttt{\string\Jupiter} & \Jupiter &
\texttt{\string\Saturnus} & \Saturnus \\
\texttt{\string\varSaturnus} & \varSaturnus &
\texttt{\string\Uranus} & \Uranus \\
\texttt{\string\Neptunus} & \Neptunus &
\texttt{\string\varNeptunus} & \varNeptunus \\
\texttt{\string\Pluto} & \Pluto &
\texttt{\string\varPluto} & \varPluto \\
\texttt{\string\Luna} & \Luna &
\texttt{\string\Aries} & \Aries \\
\texttt{\string\Taurus} & \Taurus &
\texttt{\string\Gemini} & \Gemini \\
\texttt{\string\Cancer} & \Cancer &
\texttt{\string\Leo} & \Leo \\
\texttt{\string\Virgo} & \Virgo &
\texttt{\string\Libra} & \Libra \\
\texttt{\string\varLibra} & \varLibra &
\texttt{\string\Scorpio} & \Scorpio \\
\texttt{\string\Sagittarius} & \Sagittarius &
\texttt{\string\Capriconus} & \Capriconus \\
\texttt{\string\Aquarius} & \Aquarius &
\texttt{\string\varAquarius} & \varAquarius \\
\texttt{\string\VarAquarius} & \VarAquarius &
\texttt{\string\Pisces} & \Pisces \\ [2pt]
\subsection{Description of time/angle, atoms etc.}
To produce the description of time/angle like ``\timeform{1h23m45.67s}''
or ``\timeform{6D54'32.1''}'', the class file \textsf{pasj01.cls} provides
a simple notation \verb/\timeform{1h23m45.67s}/ or
\verb/\timeform{6D54'32.1''}/. In the argument of \verb/\timeform/ command,
the letter ``\texttt{D}'' corresponds to the symbol ``\degree'.
Note that all of the three expressions \verb/\timeform{1.23s}/,
\verb/\timeform{1s.23}/ and \verb/\timeform{1.s23}/ give the same result
``\timeform{1.23s}'', that is, there is no importance in the order of
a decimal point and a unit symbol. Also, we note that the \verb/\timeform/
command assumes that there is \textit{at most one} decimal point
in its argument.
Though the file \textsf{pasj01.cls} also provides (\textsf{aastex}-like)
commands, such as \verb/\fh/(\fh), \verb/\fdg/(\fdg),
the use of such commands with ambiguous names is not recommended.
Atomic symbols like ``\atom{C}{}{12}'' or ``\atom{N}{7}{14}'' can be produced
by ``\verb/\atom{C}{}{12}/'' or ``\verb/\atom{N}{7}{14}/'' respectively.
Ionization state the elements like ``Fe\,\emissiontype{II}'' can be expressed by
\subsection{Abbreviation of journal names}
The following list shows the abbreviations of journal names already defined
by \texttt{pasj01.cls}.
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash aap}:}] \aap\\
Astronomy and Astrophysics
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash aapr}:}] \aapr\\
Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash aaps}:}] \aaps\\
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash aip}:}] \aip\\
AIP Conference Proceedings
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash aj}:}] \aj\\
Astronomical Journal
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash ao}:}] \ao\\
Applied Optics
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash apj}:}] \apj\\
Astrophysical Journal (including Letters)
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash apjs}:}] \apjs\\
Astrophysical Journal, Supplement
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash aplett}:}] \aplett\\
Astrophysics Letters
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash apspr}:}] \apspr\\
Astrophysics Space Physics Research
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash apss}:}] \apss\\
Astrophysics and Space Science
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash araa}:}] \araa\\
Annual Review of Astron and Astrophys
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash asp}:}] \asp\\
ASP Conference Series
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash baas}:}] \baas\\
Bulletin of the AAS
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash iaucirc}:}] \iaucirc\\
IAU Cirulars
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash jcp}:}] \jcp\\
Journal of Chemical Physics
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash jgr}:}] \jgr\\
Journal of Geophysics Research
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash mnras}:}] \mnras\\
Monthly Notices of the RAS
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash nat}:}] \nat\\
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash nphysa}:}] \nphysa\\
Nuclear Physics A
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash pasj}:}] \pasj\\
Publications of the ASJ
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash pasp}:}] \pasp\\
Publications of the ASP
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash physrep}:}] \physrep\\
Physics Reports
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash planss}:}] \planss\\
Planetary Space Science
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash pra}:}] \pra\\
Physical Review A: General Physics
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash prb}:}] \prb\\
Physical Review B: Solid State
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash prc}:}] \prc\\
Physical Review C
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash prd}:}] \prd\\
Physical Review D
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash pre}:}] \pre\\
Physical Review E
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash prl}:}] \prl\\
Physical Review Letters
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash procspie}:}] \procspie\\
Proceedings of the SPIE
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash qjras}:}] \qjras\\
Quarterly Journal of the RAS
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash skytel}:}] \skytel\\
Sky and Telescope
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash solphys}:}] \solphys\\
Solar Physics
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash sovast}:}] \sovast\\
Soviet Astronomy
\item[{\normalfont\texttt{\textbackslash ssr}:}] \ssr\\
Space Science Reviews
\subsection{About user-defined commands}
Though class file \textsf{pasj01.cls} does not inihibit the use
of \verb/\def/, \verb/\newcommand/ etc., it is \textit{not} recommended
to define a user's own command. Note that a user's own trivial abbriviations
might cause fatal errors by changing the existing commands or by interfering
with macros defined in other articles (or in the class file used
for publication). Every author should remember that \textit{no} journal
consists of his/hers papers only.