pdftitle = {Computer Science Considered Harmful},
pdfauthor = {S. v/d Achternaam}
\coverauthor{Student van der Achternaam}
\supervisor{Edsger Wijbe Dijkstra}
\covertitle{Computer Science \\ Considered Harmful}
% \doctype{Research Topics}
\doctype{Final Project}
% \setcounter{page}{1}
State the problem.
Explain why the problem is a problem.
Say something surprising.
Describe consequences of your work
% https://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~migod/research/beckOOPSLA.html
computer, science
It is important to introduce your topic gently.
\section{Story Part}
You can always cite books~\cite{Grune2012}, journal articles~\cite{Zoo2015} and conference publications~\cite{BabyCobol2020}.
\chapter{Conclusions and Future Work}
Answer your research questions here.
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% \appendix
% \chapter{}