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\title{Software process improvement can only be truly effective if every aspect of the software development process is automatically measured and assessed.}
\author{John Smith (a1234567)}
\date{03 May 2019}
\newcommand{\subtitle}{Essay 2 – Part 2}
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% Cover page
COMP SCI 7023, Software Process Improvement, Semester 1, 2019
Submitted \thedate
% Content page
Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the paper topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position. Your essay should start with an introduction to the essay topic and state your position \cite{Humphrey:2005}.
\section{Appropriate Section Heading – Sections Can Be More Than 1 Paragraph}
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken \cite{Humphrey:2000}.
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken.
\section{Appropriate Section Heading – Sections Can Be More Than 1 Paragraph}
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken.
\subsection{Appropriate Sub-section Heading – Sections Can Be More Than 1 Paragraph}
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken.
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken.
\subsection{Appropriate Sub-section Heading – Sections Can Be More Than 1 Paragraph}
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken.
A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken. A point in my argument backed up by citations of appropriate papers that I have read. Some reasoned, deep and profound thoughts help demonstrate that you have thought through the essay topic and have a sound basis for the position you have taken.
A summary of my argument that restates my position. This should provide a clear conclusion to the essay. A summary of my argument that restates my position. This should provide a clear conclusion to the essay. A summary of my argument that restates my position. This should provide a clear conclusion to the essay. A summary of my argument that restates my position. This should provide a clear conclusion to the essay. A summary of my argument that restates my position. This should provide a clear conclusion to the essay.
Word Count: \quickwordcount{main}