% Copyright (C) 2014-2024 by Thomas Auzinger <thomas@auzinger.name>
\documentclass[draft,final]{vutinfth} % Remove option 'final' to obtain debug information.
% Define convenience functions to use the author name and the thesis title in the PDF document properties.
\newcommand{\authorname}{Forename Surname} % The author name without titles.
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{Title of the Thesis} % The title of the thesis. The English version should be used, if it exists.
% Create the XMP metadata file for the creation of PDF/A compatible documents.
\Author{\authorname} % The author's name in the document properties.
\Title{\thesistitle} % The document's title in the document properties.
\Language{de-AT} % The document's language in the document properties. Select 'en-US', 'en-GB', or 'de-AT'.
\Keywords{a\sep list\sep of\sep keywords} % The document's keywords in the document properties (separated by '\sep ').
\Publisher{TU Wien} % The document's publisher in the document properties.
\Subject{Thesis} % The document's subject in the document properties.
% Load packages to allow in- and output of non-ASCII characters.
\usepackage{lmodern} % Use an extension of the original Computer Modern font to minimize the use of bitmapped letters.
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Determines font encoding of the output. Font packages have to be included before this line.
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Determines encoding of the input. All input files have to use UTF8 encoding.
% Extended LaTeX functionality is enables by including packages with \usepackage{...}.
\usepackage{amsmath} % Extended typesetting of mathematical expression.
\usepackage{amssymb} % Provides a multitude of mathematical symbols.
\usepackage{mathtools} % Further extensions of mathematical typesetting.
\usepackage{microtype} % Small-scale typographic enhancements.
\usepackage[inline]{enumitem} % User control over the layout of lists (itemize, enumerate, description).
\usepackage{multirow} % Allows table elements to span several rows.
\usepackage{booktabs} % Improves the typesetting of tables.
\usepackage{subcaption} % Allows the use of subfigures and enables their referencing.
\usepackage[ruled,linesnumbered,algochapter]{algorithm2e} % Enables the writing of pseudo code.
\usepackage[dvipsnames,table]{xcolor} % Allows the definition and use of colors. This package has to be included before tikz.
\usepackage{nag} % Issues warnings when best practices in writing LaTeX documents are violated.
\usepackage{todonotes} % Provides tooltip-like todo notes.
\usepackage{morewrites} % Increases the number of external files that can be used.
\usepackage[a-2b,mathxmp]{pdfx} % Enables PDF/A compliance. Loads the package hyperref and has to be included second to last.
\usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} % Enables the generation of glossaries and lists of acronyms. This package has to be included last.
% Set PDF document properties
pdfpagelayout = TwoPageRight, % How the document is shown in PDF viewers (optional).
linkbordercolor = {Melon}, % The color of the borders of boxes around hyperlinks (optional).
\setpnumwidth{2.5em} % Avoid overfull hboxes in the table of contents (see memoir manual).
\setsecnumdepth{subsection} % Enumerate subsections.
\nonzeroparskip % Create space between paragraphs (optional).
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Remove paragraph indentation (optional).
\makeindex % Use an optional index.
\makeglossaries % Use an optional glossary.
%\glstocfalse % Remove the glossaries from the table of contents.
% Set persons with 4 arguments:
% {title before name}{name}{title after name}{gender}
% where both titles are optional (i.e. can be given as empty brackets {}).
\setadvisor{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male}
% For bachelor and master theses:
\setfirstassistant{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male}
\setsecondassistant{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male}
\setthirdassistant{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male}
% For dissertations:
\setfirstreviewer{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male}
\setsecondreviewer{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male}
% For dissertations at the PhD School and optionally for dissertations:
\setsecondadvisor{Pretitle}{Forename Surname}{Posttitle}{male} % Comment to remove.
% Required data.
\setdate{01}{01}{2001} % Set date with 3 arguments: {day}{month}{year}.
\settitle{\thesistitle}{Titel der Arbeit} % Sets English and German version of the title (both can be English or German). If your title contains commas, enclose it with additional curvy brackets (i.e., {{your title}}) or define it as a macro as done with \thesistitle.
\setsubtitle{Optional Subtitle of the Thesis}{Optionaler Untertitel der Arbeit} % Sets English and German version of the subtitle (both can be English or German).
% Select the thesis type: bachelor / master / doctor.
% Bachelor:
% Master:
%\setmasterdegree{dipl.} % dipl. / rer.nat. / rer.soc.oec. / master
% Doctor:
%\setdoctordegree{rer.soc.oec.}% rer.nat. / techn. / rer.soc.oec.
% For bachelor and master:
\setcurriculum{Media Informatics and Visual Computing}{Medieninformatik und Visual Computing} % Sets the English and German name of the curriculum.
% Optional reviewer data:
\setfirstreviewerdata{Affiliation, Country}
\setsecondreviewerdata{Affiliation, Country}
\frontmatter % Switches to roman numbering.
% The structure of the thesis has to conform to the guidelines at
% https://informatics.tuwien.ac.at/study-services
\addtitlepage{naustrian} % German title page.
\addtitlepage{english} % English title page.
\todo{Ihr Text hier.}
\todo{Enter your text here.}
\todo{Ihr Text hier.}
\todo{Enter your text here.}
% Select the language of the thesis, e.g., english or naustrian.
% Add a table of contents (toc).
\tableofcontents % Starred version, i.e., \tableofcontents*, removes the self-entry.
% Switch to arabic numbering and start the enumeration of chapters in the table of content.
\todo{Enter your text here.}
\chapter{Additional Chapter}
\todo{Enter your text here.}
% Remove following line for the final thesis.
\input{intro.tex} % A short introduction to LaTeX.
% Declare the use of AI tools as mentioned in the statement of originality.
% Use either the English aitools or the German kitools.
\todo{Ihr Text hier.}
\todo{Enter your text here.}
% Use an optional list of figures.
\listoffigures % Starred version, i.e., \listoffigures*, removes the toc entry.
% Use an optional list of tables.
\cleardoublepage % Start list of tables on the next empty right hand page.
\listoftables % Starred version, i.e., \listoftables*, removes the toc entry.
% Use an optional list of alogrithms.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Algorithms}
% Add an index.
% Add a glossary.
% Add a bibliography.