Title Page SUAI
Thomas Zind
Last Updated
před 5 lety
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Title Page for SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation) students
Title Page for SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation) students
\usepackage[french, english]{babel}
%----------------------- Macros and Definitions --------------------------
%--------------------------- Filling field -------------------------------
\newFRMfield{degree}{5.5cm}[Scientific degrees]
\newFRMfield{sign}{5.5cm}[signature, date]
\newFRMfield{name}{5.5cm}[Initials, name]
{\scshape\LARGE SUAI \par}
{\scshape\Large Department \no 14\par}
{\scshape\Large Report\par}
{\scshape\Large Protected with evaluation\par}
{\scshape\LARGE Practical investigation \no \par}
{\huge\bfseries <title>\par}
{\LARGE Course : <course name> \par}
{\scshape\Large Performed by\par}
{\scshape\Large Student gr. \no \par}
% Bottom of the page
{\large St. Petersburg 2019\par}