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%Several examples have been included in the Results chapter
%Do not alter this page, only fill out the required fields
\begin {center}
\textbf{\footnotesize{Faculty of Life Sciences, Technology and Communication}}\\
Presented on ..... in Luxembourg\\
to obtain the degree of\\
\textbf{\Large{EN BIOLOGIE}}\\
\textbf{Author name}\\
Born on ...... in xxxx (country)\\
\end {center}
%This part can be altered
%This part can be altered
Doctoral School membership\\
%Do not alter this part, only fill out the required fields
\noindent \textbf{Dissertation Defence Committee:}
\item[] Committee members: \hspace{2cm} XXXX
\item[] \hspace{5.8cm} XXXX
\item[] \hspace{5.8cm} XXXX
\item[] \hspace{5.8cm} XXXX
\item[] \hspace{5.8cm} XXXX
\item[] Supervisor: \hspace{3.6cm} Supervisor name, position
\item[] Co-supervisor: \hspace{3.1cm} Co-supervisor name, position
%Do not alter this page, only fill out the required fields
\noindent \textbf{\large{Affidavit}}\\
I hereby confirm that the PhD thesis entitled “xxxxxx” has been written independently and without any other sources than cited.
\noindent Luxembourg, \rule{4cm}{0.4pt} \hspace{2cm} \rule{6cm}{0.4pt}
\hspace*{9cm} Name
%From this point on, you may edit as you see fit. A general structure (according to the guidelines) has been provided.
Acknowledgements OPTIONAL
Dedications OPTIONAL
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%If you would prefer to have only one main file, remove \subfile{sections_folder/section} and edit this file directly instead.
\chapter{Materials and Methods}
\chapter{Discussion and perspectives}