% Uses fontspec - assumes compiled with LuaLaTeX or similar
% The above \documentclass is for making slides. If making handouts use:
% See https://github.com/CASSON-LAB/uom_beamer_template
% for details on license, further useage information and similar
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Presentation settings
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% Handout settings
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% Packages
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\newcounter{example_number} % keep track of the example questions
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FRONT MATTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title{University of Manchester Beamer Presentation}
\subtitle{Subtitle goes here}
\author{Alex Casson}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TITLE SLIDE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\mode<presentation>{ \frame{
\titlepage \label{slide:a}
}} \begin{figure}[!ht] \fbox{\includeslide[width=\textwidth]{slide:a}} \end{figure}
Text for notes goes here.
\item List 1.
\item List 2.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW SLIDE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
<presentation>{ \frame{\frametitle{Example slide} \label{slide:z}
% Include figure with
%\begin{center} \pdftooltip{\includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth]{introduction_to_matlab}}{The Matlab command window} \end{center}
\item Go to:
\item Select:
\item Institution:
\item Session/survey id:
\item Join: \alert{Session}.
\item Log in:
\column{0.44\textwidth} \vspace{-1.2\baselineskip}
\begin{center} Alt text. \end{center}
}} \begin{figure}[!ht] \fbox{\includeslide[width=\textwidth]{slide:z}} \end{figure}
Text for notes goes here.
\item List 1.
\item List 2.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END MATTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%