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\title{Solving N-Queens}
\author{Rodolfo Lepe \& Gerardo Velasco}
\date{1630048 \& 1225061}
Through the modification of the kernel on a Ubuntu system, we managed
to solve the n-Queens problem after changing the default time-slice,
swappiness, latency and wakeup-granularity to different values and
testing the problem.
Linux utilizes the Completely Fair Scheduling or CFS algorithm, which
is an implementation of the Weighted fair queueing or WFQ. It consists
of the CPU system starting with CFS time-slices the total CPU in runnable
threads. The CFS looks to maximize the CPU utilization and the interactive
The CFS scheduler calculates the timeslices for a task a moment before
it is scheduled for its execution. Its lenght is variable and it totally
depends on its priority and the load of the running queue.
The scheduler has the notion of every tasks virtually having the same
runtime, but in reality the virtual runtime is a normalized value.
We will be running a process called n-queens, which is a benchmark
that works with the famous problem of the 8 queens on a chess board.
\section{Theoretical Framework}
The computer we used was one with the following specs Memory 1.9 GB,
Processor Intel Pentium (R) D CPU 2.80 GHz x 2, Graphics Gallium 0.4
on ATI RC410, OS Type 64-bit, Disk 490.1 GB. We used the Linux Ubuntu
16.04 operating system, it is a 64-bit OS. The Kernel is a 4.4.0-42-generic(x86\_64),
the desktop is the Unity 7.4.0, the display server is the X server
1.18.3. The displays driver radeon 7.7.0, an OpenGL:2.1 Mesa11-2-0
Gallium 0.4 Compiler: GCC 5.4.0 20160609, a File system: ext4, and
it has a screen resolution of 1266x768. We tried to change some aspects
of the Kernel so we could spot differences while running the benchmark
called N-Queens.
The Swappiness in the Linux kernel is the responsible to control the
relative weight for swapping out runtime memory. Its default value
is 60, and setting it to a different value will affect other components
such as latency. Latency is the interval between a stimulus and a
response. Granularity depends on how many pieces can you distinguish
from one another on a system. Timeslice is another name for preemtive
We will be using an old computer, so if we break the Kernel we will
not regret it as much. Our tests will be longer for the same reason,
we will be using a CPU with Pentium, so patience is a key aspect.
To find a way by changing the values of several Kernel components
to use a benchmark and generate a better overall process for it to
be utilized. We will try to find a way to optimize Linux by making
trials with the N-Queens benchmark.
The N-queens is one of the benchmarks that the code accepted, it is
a simple program and we can try it several times with a low wait time.
Every run takes approximately 5 minutes to load and it usually repeats
it 3 times to get a better average time.
We know the basic concepts of how swappiness, latency, timeslice and
granularity work, so we can change the values to expect different
N-queens is a simple algorithm that we already knew how it works,
so we can have a deeper understanding of the overall situation.
In order to test our theory, we used the platform Intel Pentium (R)
D CPU 2.80 GHz x 2m which is kind of old, but it will do the trick
just fine. The main characteristics of the computer are described
in the Theoretical Framework.
The operating system that we used is the Ubuntu 16.04, the description
of the system is listed in the Ubuntu project site home page (http://www.ubuntu..com).
We decided to use the benchmark called N-Queens. This benchmark solves
the chess problem of putting N queens on an N x N board so that no
queen can attack each other, this problem usually uses a recursive
search for a placement of the queens that meets the correct conditions.
The first reference of this problem is in a German magazine by Max
Bezzel, this was on the year 1848, later it was studied by Gauss in
the 1850, this after reading an article by Franz Nauck, who discovered
all 92 solutions to the 8-Queen problem. Its most common use is for
undergraduate students, because they need to understand and program
a particular kind of algorithm.
The variables that we changed were the ones mentioned above, and we
went all over the field with those variables. The table shows the
initial values of those variables:
Variable & Initial value\tabularnewline
vm.swappiness & 40\tabularnewline
kernel.sched\_latency\_ns & 12000000\tabularnewline
kernel.sched\_wakeup\_granularity\_ns & 2000000\tabularnewline
kernel.sched\_rr\_timeslice\_ns & 25\tabularnewline
The results after modifying the different variables are shown below.
\caption{\label{fig:lab1} Modified values.}
\caption{\label{fig:lab2} Modified values.}
\caption{\label{fig:lab3} Latency vs. Time.}
\caption{\label{fig:lab1} Granularity vs. Time.}
As seen in the tables and graph not much changed, you can almost say,
that nothing really changed (except that one value that went of the
charts, but we believe that was just a malfunction of the benchmark
or the computer and not really a number that we care about) All the
times are in seconds and de standard deviation is in percentages.
If we take in consideration that result, we can see in the graphic
that we have a function that looks pretty similar to a logarithmic
function, but we cannot be sure because we don't have enough data.
We went all over the board with the range of the variables, making
all kind of different combinations, but it didn't matter how different
they were, how much we tried, or how many times we did the same test,
the time the process took to finish was almost the same, never varying
for more than 1 second. We spent more than 6 hours testing and we
could not find any result that varied a lot from the common results.
After this case of study we can safely conclude that our theory was
wrong and changing the variables, in a computer that utilizes Intel
Pentium (R) D CPU 2.80 GHz x 2m, that we picked won't affect the performance
of a process such as n-queens.
The n-queens resulted to be a simple process, that is not affected
by any of the Kernel components we decided to evaluate. We can refute
the initial hypothesis, and we can reassure that any legar number changing
latency, timeslice, granularity and swappiness will leave the process
the same.
We also found that the standard error changed a lot during the testing
progress. sometimes it went up until 6\%. Even though, we still have
the same average runtimes. the smallest time for the process to be
done was 274 seconds, and the time that it took the most it was 281.
Future work could be to look for a different benchmark, one that causes
more stress to the computer, so that we can prove if changing those
variables will keep the program running at the same speed regardless
of the process. Or our future work could be to look for a variable
that actually changes the performance of the n-queens.
\bibitem{key-1}Dealy, Sheldon. Common Search Strategies and Heuristics
With Respect to the N-Queens Problem. From http://www.cs.unm.edu/\textasciitilde{}sdealy/nqueens\_presentation.pdf
\bibitem{key-2}Jacek Kobus and Rafa\l{} Szklarski. Completely Fair
Scheduler and its tuning. from http://fizyka.umk.pl/\textasciitilde{}jkob/prace-mag/cfs-tuning.pdf
\bibitem{key-3}Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. B., \& Gagne, G. (2005).
Operating system concepts. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley \& Sons.
\bibitem{key-4}Sin, Chandandeep. Completely Fair Schedule. Linux
Journal. from http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/completely-fair-scheduler
\bibitem{key-5}Swappiness. from https://sites.google.com/site/tipsandtricksforubuntu/system-tips/swappiness
\bibitem{key-6}The Linux / Kernel organization. from https://www.kernel.org/category/about.html
\bibitem{key-7}Tips and tricks for Ubuntu. Turning the tasks scheduler.
from Chapter 14. Tuning the Task Scheduler\end{thebibliography}