LaTeX templates and examples — Imperial College London

Template for C240 Models of Computation Assessed Coursework 2 Contains macros for typesetting register machines in textual, graphical and encoded formats. Department of Computing, Imperial College London This work is released into the Public Domain.

LaTeX template for C240 Models of Computation assessed coursework Contains macros for typesetting operational semantic rules and proof trees and other notation used in the first half of the course. Department of Computing, Imperial College London

Based on the Imperial DoC template here, with thanks:

This is the template for research plan confirmation the UKRI CDT in AI for Healthcare @ Imperial College.

MRES individual project

Simple latex template for industrial placement and internship reports at Imperial Designed for electrical and electronic engineering primarily

The official template as provided by the Department of Computing at Imperial College London for MSc summer individual projects / theses

Obtained from C496

This is a basic LaTeX Beamer template that I customised to have the logo of ICL and a background picture. Mind that this is NOT an official ICL template but it may still be useful for informal presentations. The official ICL graphical identity resources can be found here. Please drop me an e-mail or comment via Twitter @AJunyentFerre if you found this was useful or have any suggestion to improve it.
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