LaTeX templates — ScholarOne

This is the template for LaTeX submissions to Publications of the Journal of Glaciology (JOG). You can use it to write and collaborate online in LaTeX. Once your article is complete, you can submit directly to JOG using the ‘Submit to journal’ option in the Overleaf editor. For more information on how to write in LaTeX using Overleaf, see this video tutorial, or contact the the journal for more information on submissions.

This is the template for LaTeX submissions to Annals of Glaciology (AOG). You can use it to write and collaborate online in LaTeX. Once your article is complete, you can submit directly to AOG using the ‘Submit to journal’ option in the Overleaf editor. For more information on how to write in LaTeX using Overleaf, see this video tutorial, or contact the the journal for more information on submissions.

This template for the preparation of LaTeX submissions to Soft Matter includes a direct link to the journal for easy submission of your finished article. To begin writing your article, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. When your article is complete, simply click the 'Submit to Journal' link from within Overleaf to submit your files to Soft Matter. If you're new to Overleaf, we've provided a short tutorial video to help you get started. This template uses the main LaTeX ARTICLE template for RSC journals. Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019. Use of the Overleaf platform and associated services (including the Soft Matter Template) is subject to the Overleaf terms of service.

This template contains instructions for authors planning to submit a paper to the Journal of Plasma Physics. You can use it in Overleaf to write and collaborate online in LaTeX. Once your article is complete, you can submit directly to JPP using the ‘Submit to journal’ option in the Overleaf editor. For more information on how to write in LaTeX using Overleaf, see this video tutorial, or contact the the journal for more information on submissions.

This template for the preparation of LaTeX submissions to PCCP (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics) includes a direct link to the journal for easy submission of your finished article. To begin writing your article, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. When your article is complete, simply click the 'Submit to Journal' link from within Overleaf to submit your files to PCCP. Your files will be transferred automatically in one easy step, without the need for you to download and re-upload any files, and you'll be taken directly to the PCCP submission site to complete your submission. If you're new to Overleaf, we've provided a short tutorial video to help you get started. This template uses the main LaTeX ARTICLE template for RSC journals. Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019. Use of the Overleaf platform and associated services (including the PCCP Template) is subject to the Overleaf terms of service.

Biostatistics publishes papers that develop innovative statistical methods with applications to the understanding of human health and disease, including basic biomedical sciences. Papers should focus on methods and applications. This template may be used to prepare your submission to Biostatistics. It contains an example article which shows how to include text, figures and references. To begin writing your article, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. For more information on the journal's requirements, please see their author guidelines. Title, authors and affiliations, summary, keywords the body of the manuscript, acknowledgements, a short section describing the Supplementary Materials, and the references (excluding tables and figures) should not exceed 25 manuscript pages in the draft mode of the template. When you are ready to submit your manuscript please click the Submit to Journal button in the Overleaf editor and follow the instructions provided. Your files will be transferred automatically, without the need for you to download and re-upload any files, and you'll be taken directly to the Biostatistics submission site to complete your submission. We hope you find Overleaf useful for your Biostatistics submission, and please let us know if you have any feedback. If you're new to Overleaf, we've provided a short tutorial video to help you get started.

This is the template for articles for the ScholarOne Client Demo Plus demo journal.

This is the official template for preparing submissions to Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, which uses the anzsauth.cls document class and anzst.bst bibliography files. Use of this document class and bibliography style will make it much easier for you to prepare your paper in a manner conforming to the journal's requirements. Please refer to the journal’s author guidelines in order to confirm your manuscript adheres to the journal’s requirements for submissions. Once your manuscript is complete, simply use the "Submit to Journal" option in the Overleaf editor to submit your files directly to the journal for processing. If you're new to LaTeX, check out our free online introduction to help you get started, or please get in touch if you have any questions.
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