LaTeX templates and examples — CVs and résumés
Make a great first impression with our popular LaTeX templates for CVs and résumés.

Tehzeeb Jafri's Teaching Résumé

Ritupon Gogoi's CV

Grant Morgan's First LaTeX Resume

This project provides a LaTeX class to easily write lean résumés (CVs) using your favorite typesetting language

ModernFancyCV is a resume template for 2020 that aims to fulfill and surpass the expectations of any HR. All important information fits on a single page while maintaining clarity. It is aimed primarily at recent college grads, but everyone else can simply swap the "Education" and "Experience" sections and is ready to go. Of course I suggest you swap out the "Sports Teams" in the Bubble-graphic for something more skills-oriented like "Programming Languages" or "Software". It´s totally up to you. Unfortunately, poor Doug can't code...

For college purpose. Prepared using the YAAC template.

Aymen Kefi's CV. Created with the USA STEM CV template.

Suresh Balsubramani's CV. Created with the AltaCV template.

YAAC: Another Awesome CV is a template that use FontAwesome and Source Sans Pro Font. It also use the Lualatex engine. This template also use elements from AltaCV like cv tags and cv skills. Changelog: Version 1.9.2: New project section Version 1.9: Add monochrome option, add showLinksoption Version 1.8: Add macros to handle referees and keywords Version 1.7: Renaming and minor changes Version 1.6.2: Add fonction to put two columns on a section. Version 1.6: Use Lualatex as default engine. Version 1.5: New alternative option to change the way the header is generated (\documentclass[localFont,alternative]{awesome-source-cv}) More infos: Full source and documentation can be downloaded on Github
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