LaTeX templates and examples — Newsletters
Keep colleagues or contacts informed in style with one of our LaTeX newsletter templates.

Region V Soccer Tournament Hotel, Parking, Policies, and Other Information

Pakiet flowfram umożliwia definiowanie dowolnych ramek tekstowych w których tekst przepływa pomiędzy nimi zgodnie z kolejnością ich definicji. Bardzo łatwe staje się definiowanie kolumn wielołamowych ale także takich z niestandardowym położeniem pól tekstowych występujących w plakatach lub czasopismach. Dzięki pakietowi flowfram system LaTeX może z powodzeniem zastępować programy komercyjne takie jak InDesign w tworzeniu graficznie zaawansowanych dokumentów.

Looking for a quick way to create a professional quality newsletter? This example by Frits at is the perfect starting point. The newsletter template includes a fancy title, top post and some main content with images. The template is pre-loaded in Overleaf for you to use as a basis to create your own! Just click the button to get started!

A newspaper template built with the LiX meta-package. Check out the repository: Stars are appreciated.

Template for the Guam New Invasive Species Alert Fact Sheet Series.

A leaflet created for a Math class that I conduct during this term.

Taborjenje 2015 This template has been downloaded from: License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (

LaTeX brochure: A publicity flyer for LaTeX (originally by Peter Flynn) The document is designed as a publicity flyer for LaTeX, but also serves as an interesting showcase of what LaTeX can do. The flyer is designed for printing, double-sided, on A3 paper, which would then be folded once. This version on Overleaf uses the venturis font package in place of the commercial Warnock Pro and Aller fonts. Some minor modifications were done on the original so that the brochure fits on 4 pages.

Edward Tufte is a pioneer in the field of data visualization, and his works inspired the creation of two LaTeX classes for books and handouts. Here we present the excellent sample handout produced by the The Tufte-LaTeX Developers pre-loaded into Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX) for you to use as a starting point for your own work. Simply click on the button above to use Overleaf to create and edit your handout - there's nothing to install and no sign up required. When you're finished, why not use our integrated publish to figshare option to publish your work freely online. Click here if you'd like to try the corresponding Tufte book design on Overleaf. PS: If you're new to LaTeX, our free online LaTeX course covers all the steps you need to get you started.
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