Template for 'Helseatlas' fact sheets, for SKDE Can be both one-page and two-page fact sheets
Jan. 29 2019: Simplified setup
Sept. 21 2018: New framework (all fact sheets in one document)
Apr. 10 2017: LuaLaTeX and TeX Gyre fonts
This is a sample file for ACM large trim, 2-column journals, specifically showing an example of a paper for ACM Transactions on Graphics, using acmart.cls v2.08 (2024/06/04). It is provided by the ACM as a template for submissions, and pre-loaded in Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX) for ease of editing online. Please see the ACM Submission Guidelines page for more details on manuscript preparation.
This large double column format is used for submissions to ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
Once your article is complete, you can use 'Submit to ACM' button at the top of the Overleaf editor bar to quickly download your paper files and go straight to the appropriate ACM submission site.
Important information regarding submission versions for review: After finalizing the formatting of your paper you must use the option “manuscript” with \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command. This will generate the output in single column review format which is required. Accepted manuscripts will be transformed during production to produce properly formatted output accord to the publication specifications. Authors will be provided the opportunity to review and approve the formatted output before the article is published to the ACM Digital Library.
A LaTeX template for an abstract submission to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference.
This template is adapted from the ASME LaTeX conference template. Please see the original implementation at https://ctan.org/pkg/asmeconf for details about the license and contributors.
Esta plantilla fue creada para utilizarse como reporte de los laboratorios de INCQ. La información se encuentra divida en subarchivos para mejorar su organización. La compilación recomendada es de pdftex.