Which OTF or TTF fonts are supported via fontspec?
Overleaf supports a fair number of OTF/TTF fonts in different scripts. Their names are listed below, and you can see a sampler here. We also have Google Noto fonts as included in Ubuntu 22.04, so even if you don't see the listing for a particular language here, you can try using the relevant Google Noto font for that particular language or script.
Latin-script Fonts
Serif fonts
- Aboriginal Serif
- Abyssinica SIL
- Accanthis ADF Std No3
- Alegreya
- Alfios
- AlgolRevived
- Annapurna SIL
- Antykwa Poltawskiego
- Antykwa Poltawskiego Light
- Antykwa Torunska
- Antykwa Torunska Condensed
- Arapey
- Asea
- Avdira
- Averia Serif GWF
- BABEL Unicode
- Baskervald ADF Std
- Baskervaldx
- BaskervilleF
- Berenis ADF Pro
- Berenis ADF Pro SC
- Berylium
- Bitstream Vera Serif
- Bookman Uralic
- BPG Serif Modern GPL&GNU
- C059
- Caladea
- Cardo
- Caslon
- Century Catalogue
- Charis SIL
- Charis SIL Compact
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clara
- CMU Concrete
- CMU Serif
- CMU Serif Extra
- CMU Serif Upright Italic
- CMU Typewriter Text Variable Width
- Cochineal
- Coelacanth
- Conakry
- Cormorant Garamond
- Credit River
- Credit Valley
- Crimson
- Crimson Pro
- DejaVu Serif
- Domitian
- Doulos SIL
- Doulos SIL Compact
- Droid Serif
- Dustismo Roman
- EB Garamond
- Echelon Condensed
- Eczar
- Edmunds
- Edmunds Distressed
- Effloresce
- Effloresce Antique
- Elstob
- EMERITA Latina
- Essays1743
- ETbb
- Ezra SIL
- Ezra SIL SR
- Fanwood
- Fanwood Text
- FreeSerif
- Furat
- Galatia SIL
- Gayathri
- Gentium
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Gentium Plus
- Gentium Plus Compact
- GentiumAlt
- Georgia
- GFS Artemisia
- GFS Bodoni
- GFS Didot
- Goodfish
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Heuristica
- IBM Plex Serif
- IM FELL English
- IM FELL English SC
- IndUni-N
- IndUni-P
- IndUni-T
- Inria Serif
- Irianis ADF Std
- Irianis ADF Style Std
- Junicode
- Kalpurush
- KpRoman
- Latin Modern Roman
- Latin Modern Roman Dunhill
- Liberation Serif
- Libertinus Serif
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Bodoni
- Libre Caslon Text
- Linden Hill
- Linux Libertine Display O
- Linux Libertine O
- Mekanus ADF Std
- Mekanus ADF Titling Std
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Light
- MPH 2B Damase
- NewComputerModern08
- NewComputerModern10
- Nimbus Roman
- Noto Serif
- NovelDeco
- Old Standard TT
- Oradano-mincho-GSRR
- Palladio Uralic
- Parix
- Playfair Display
- Prociono
- PT Serif
- QTAntiquePost
- QTBasker
- QTBengal
- QTBodini
- QTBookmann
- QTCaslan
- QTCaslanOpen
- QTFrizQuad
- QTGaromand
- QTGraphLite
- QTGraveure
- QTKorrin
- QTOldGoudy
- QTPalatine
- QTSchoolCentury
- QTWeise
- Quattrocento
- Rasa
- RIT-Sundar
- Roboto Slab
- Romande ADF No2 Std
- Romande ADF Std
- Romande ADF Style Std
- Schoolbook Uralic
- Soufflet Vert
- Source Serif Pro
- Spira
- Subpear
- Sweynheim & Pannartz
- Symbola
- Tempora
- TeX Gyre Bonum
- TeX Gyre Pagella
- TeX Gyre PagellaX
- TeX Gyre Schola
- TeX Gyre ScholaX
- TeX Gyre Termes
- TeX Gyre TermesX
- Times New Roman
- Tinos
- Tribun ADF Std
- Tymes
- URW Bookman
- Vahika
- Verana
- Vollkorn
- XCharter
- Yrsa
Sans-serif fonts
- Aboriginal Sans
- Aerial
- Alegreya Sans
- Allerta
- Andika
- Andika Compact
- Andika New Basic
- Angostura
- Angostura Black
- Arial
- Arimo
- Aroania
- Asap
- Averia GWF
- Averia Sans GWF
- B612
- Baloo 2
- Bebas Neue
- Berenika
- Bitstream Vera Sans
- Blue Highway
- BPG DejaVu Sans 2011 GNU-GPL
- BPG Mrgvlovani GPL&GNU
- BPG Nateli Condenced GPL&GNU
- BPG Nateli GPL&GNU
- BPG Sans Medium GPL&GNU
- BPG Sans Modern GPL&GNU
- BPG Sans Regular GPL&GNU
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cantarell
- Carlito
- Chivo
- Clear Sans
- CMU Bright
- CMU Sans Serif
- CMU Sans Serif Demi Condensed
- Comfortaa
- Comic Neue
- Comic Neue Angular
- Comic Neue Angular Light
- Comic Neue Light
- Comic Sans MS
- Cranberry Gin
- Cuprum
- DejaVu Sans
- Dosis
- Dream Orphans
- Droid
- Droid Sans
- Dustismo
- Dyuthi
- Eden Mills
- Electron
- Engebrechtre
- Engebrechtre Expanded
- eurofurence
- eurofurence classic
- eurofurence classic light
- eurofurence light
- Fetamont
- Fetamont Script
- Fira Sans
- Forgotten Futurist
- Forgotten Futurist College
- FreeSans
- Gemunu Libre
- Gemunu Libre ExtraLight
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gillius ADF
- Gillius ADF Cond
- Gillius ADF No2
- Gillius ADF No2 Cond
- Go
- GoSmallcaps
- Gothic Uralic
- Gotu
- Guanine
- Haramain
- Hind Madurai
- Hor
- IBM Plex Sans
- IBM Plex Sans Condensed
- Ikarius ADF No2 Std
- Ikarius ADF Std
- IndUni-H
- Inria Sans
- Inter
- Iwona
- Iwona Cond
- Iwona Cond Heavy
- Iwona Cond Light
- Iwona Cond Medium
- Iwona Heavy
- Iwona Light
- Iwona Medium
- Jara
- Josefin Sans
- Junction
- Jura
- Karmilla
- Klaudia
- KpSans
- Kurier
- Kurier Cond
- Kurier Cond Heavy
- Kurier Cond Light
- Kurier Cond Medium
- Kurier Heavy
- Kurier Light
- Kurier Medium
- Latin Modern Sans
- Latin Modern Sans Demi Cond
- Latin Modern Sans Quotation
- Lato
- League Spartan
- Libel Suit
- Liberation Sans
- Libertinus Keyboard
- Libertinus Sans
- Libris ADF Std
- Linux Biolinum Keyboard O
- Linux Biolinum O
- Manrope
- Merriweather Sans
- Mint Spirit
- Mint Spirit No2
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Mukta
- NewComputerModernSans08
- NewComputerModernSans10
- Nimbus Sans
- Nimbus Sans Narrow
- Noto Sans
- Open Sans
- OpenDyslexic
- OpenDyslexicAlta
- Overlock
- Oxygen-Sans
- Pakenham
- Play
- Primer Print
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- QTAgateType
- QTAncientOlive
- QTAvanti
- QTDoghaus
- QTEraType
- QTEurotype
- QTFloraline
- QTFrank
- QTFuture
- QTHelvetCnd
- QTHowardType
- QTLetterGoth
- QTOptimum
- QTParisFrance
- QTPeignoir
- QTVagaRound
- Quattrocento Sans
- Quicksand
- Radis Sans
- Raleway
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Rosario
- Sans Condensed Uralic
- Sans Uralic
- Sophia Nubian
- Sora
- Source Sans Pro
- Spongy
- Steelfish
- STOMP_Zeroes
- Switzera ADF
- Taogu
- Teen
- TeX Gyre Adventor
- TeX Gyre Heros
- TeX Gyre Heros Cn
- Trebuchet MS
- Tuffy
- Ubuntu
- unifur
- Universalis ADF Std
- URW Gothic
- Verana Sans
- Veranda
- Verdana
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Zrnic
Monospaced fonts
- AeMMono10
- Aerial Mono
- Andale Mono
- Anonymous Pro
- B612 Mono
- BabelStone Modern
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
- Cascadia Code PL
- CMU Typewriter Text
- Courier 10 Pitch
- Courier New
- Cousine
- Cuomotype
- D2Coding
- D2Coding ligature
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Droid Sans Mono
- Fantasque Sans Mono
- Fira Code
- Fira Mono
- FreeMono
- GNUTypewriter
- Go Mono
- GWMonospace
- Hack
- IBM Plex Mono
- Inconsolata
- InconsolataN
- Inconsolatazi4
- IndUni-C
- JetBrains Mono
- KpMono
- Larabiefont
- Latin Modern Mono
- Latin Modern Mono Caps
- Latin Modern Mono Light
- Latin Modern Mono Light Cond
- Latin Modern Mono Prop
- Latin Modern Mono Prop Light
- Latin Modern Mono Slanted
- League Mono
- Liberation Mono
- Libertinus Mono
- Linux Libertine Mono O
- Logix Mono
- Mono Uralic
- Monofonto
- monofur
- mononoki
- NewComputerModernMono10
- Nimbus Mono
- Nimbus Mono PS
- Noto Mono
- Noto Sans Mono
- OpenDyslexicMono
- osifont
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- QTChicagoland
- QTPristine
- QTRobotic2000
- Ricty Diminished
- Ricty Diminished Discord
- Roboto Mono
- Source Code Pro
- TeX Gyre Cursor
- Ubuntu Mono
- UM Typewriter
- Unispace
Heavy faces
- Apropal
- Apropal Bold
- Arial Black
- Carbon Block
- Carbon Phyber
- Coolvetica
- Cyklop
- Gemunu Libre ExtraBold
- Guanine
- Impact
- Kenyan Coffee
- Kimberley
- Millimetre
- Mold Papa
- Oliver's Barney
- Pricedown
- QTAtchen
- QTBlimpo
- QTBodiniPoster
- QTDeuce
- QTDoghausHeavy
- QTFrankHeavy
- QTGreece
- QTHowardTypeFat
- QTImpromptu
- QTKooper
- QTMilitary
- QTTheatre
- Rustproof Body
- Screengem
- Should've Known
- Strenuous
- Sui Generis
- Velvenda Megablack
- Vipnagorgialla
- Vollkorn ExtraBold
Cursive fonts
- Bajaderka
- Bramalea Beauty
- Chancery Uralic
- Colourbars
- Compagnon
- Compagnon Italic
- Cretino
- Dancing Script
- Deftone Stylus
- Dyspepsia
- Elegante
- Great Vibes
- Joscelyn
- Kerkis-Calligraphic
- LeckerliOne
- Lemonada
- Lesser Concern
- Lobster Two
- Miama Nueva
- Oldania ADF Std
- Port Credit
- Ptolemy
- QTArabian
- QTArnieB
- QTArtiston
- QTBeckman
- QTBoulevard
- QTBrushStroke
- QTCaligulatype
- QTCanaithtype
- QTChanceryType
- QTCoronation
- QTFlorencia
- QTHoboken
- QTLautrecType
- QTLinostroke
- QTMerryScript
- QTPandora
- QTSlogantype
- QTUSA-Uncial
- QTWestEnd
- Rina
- Roman Uralic
- Romande ADF Script Std
- Rot
- Rusch
- TeX Gyre Chorus
- TriodPostnaja
- Z003
Handwriting fonts
- AirCut
- Breip
- Cabin Sketch
- CabinSketch
- Comic Neue
- Comic Neue Angular
- Comic Sans MS
- Deportees
- DkgHandwriting
- Domestic Manners
- Duality
- El Abogado Loco
- Eye Rhyme
- Field Day Filter
- Havana
- Hurontario
- Junction
- Karumbi
- Kaushan Script
- Kleptocracy
- Kristi
- Minya Nouvelle
- Mufferaw
- Pupcat
- Purisa
- QTAbbie
- QTCascadetype
- QTCasual
- QTHandwriting
- QTKung-Fu
- QTMagicMarker
- QTSanDiego
- QTTechtone
- Rufscript
- SetoFont
- Still Time
- Tork
- Walshes
Blackletter fonts
- Blankenburg_UNZ1A
- Fette classic UNZ Fraktur
- Fust & Schoeffer
- Gamaliel
- Hamlet
- Jessen
- Isabella
- QTBlackForest
- QTCloisteredMonk
- QTDublinIrish
- QTFraktur
- QTHeidelbergType
- QTLinoscroll
- QTLondonScroll
- Zainer
Math fonts
(Use with mathspec
or unicode-math
- Asana Math
- Erewhon Math
- Fira Math
- GFS Neohellenic Math
- Garamond-Math
- KpMath
- Latin Modern Math
- Libertinus Math
- NewComputerModernMath
- STIX Math
- STIX Two Math
- TeX Gyre Bonum Math
- TeX Gyre DejaVu Math
- TeX Gyre Pagella Math
- TeX Gyre Schola Math
- TeX Gyre Termes Math
- XCharter Math
- XITS Math
Fonts for CJK
- AR PL KaitiM Big5
- AR PL KaitiM GB
- AR PL Mingti2L Big5
- AR PL SungtiL GB
- AR PL UMing CN
- AR PL UMing HK
- AR PL UMing TW
- BabelStone Han
- Droid Sans Fallback
- FandolFang
- FandolHei
- FandolKai
- FandolSong
- HanaMinA
- Noto Sans CJK HK
- Noto Sans CJK SC
- Noto Sans CJK TC
- Noto Sans Mono CJK HK
- Noto Sans Mono CJK SC
- Noto Sans Mono CJK TC
- Noto Serif CJK SC
- Noto Serif CJK TC
- WenQuanYi Micro Hei
- WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono
- WenQuanYi Zen Hei
- WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono
- WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp
- cwTeXFangSong
- cwTeXHeiBold
- cwTeXKai
- cwTeXMing
- cwTeXYen
- TW-Kai
- TW-Sung
- AoyagiKouzanFontT
- AoyagiSosekiFont2
- BabelStone Han
- Droid Sans Fallback
- HanaMinA
- Harano Aji Gothic
- Harano Aji Mincho
- IPAexGothic
- IPAexMincho
- IPAGothic
- IPAMincho
- IPAmjMincho
- IPAPGothic
- IPAPMincho
- KanjiStrokeOrders
- kiloji
- Klee One
- Komatuna
- Komatuna P
- Konatu
- Konatu Tohaba
- KouzanBrushFont
- KouzanBrushFontGyousyo
- KouzanBrushFontSousyo
- MigMix 1M
- MigMix 1P
- MigMix 2M
- MigMix 2P
- Migu 1C
- Migu 1M
- Migu 1P
- Migu 2M
- mikachan
- mikachan-P
- mikachan-PB
- mikachan-PS
- mikachan-puchi
- mikachan-puchiB
- MisakiGothic
- MisakiMincho
- MMCedar
- MMCedar P
- Mona
- Monapo
- MotoyaLCedar
- MotoyaLMaru
- Noto Sans CJK JP
- Noto Sans Mono CJK JP
- Noto Serif CJK JP
- Oradano-mincho-GSRR
- Rampart One
- Reggae One
- Ricty Diminished
- Ricty Diminished Discord
- RocknRoll One
- Sawarabi Gothic
- SetoFont
- Stick
- TakaoGothic
- TakaoMincho
- TakaoPGothic
- TakaoPMincho
- Train One
- Ume Gothic
- Ume Hy Gothic
- Ume P Gothic
- Ume P Mincho
- UmePlus Gothic
- UmePlus P Gothic
- VL Gothic
- VL PGothic
- Yusei Magic
- Baekmuk Batang
- Baekmuk Dotum
- Baekmuk Gulim
- Baekmuk Headline
- Bandal
- Bangwool
- BM DoHyeon
- BM HANNA 11yrs old
- D2Coding
- Eunjin
- Eunjin Nakseo
- Guseul
- LexiSaebomR
- Nanum Brush Script
- Nanum Pen Script
- NanumBarunGothic
- NanumBarunpen
- NanumGothic
- NanumGothic Eco
- NanumGothicCoding
- NanumMyeongjo
- NanumMyeongjo Eco
- NanumSquare
- NanumSquareRound
- Noto Sans CJK KR
- Noto Sans Mono CJK KR
- Noto Serif CJK KR
- UnBatang
- UnDinaru
- UnDotum
- UnGraphic
- UnGungseo
- UnJamoBatang
- UnJamoDotum
- UnJamoNovel
- UnJamoSora
- UnPen
- UnPenheulim
- UnPilgi
- UnPilgia
- UnShinmun
- UnTaza
- UnVada
- UnYetgul
Fonts for Arabic script
- ALM Fixed
- AlArabiya
- AlBattar
- AlHor
- AlManzomah
- AlYarmook
- AlgolRevived
- Alkalami
- Alkalami Light
- Amiri
- Amiri Quran
- Amiri Quran Colored
- Arab
- Arial
- Awami Nastaliq
- Cortoba
- Courier New
- DejaVu Sans
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Dimnah
- Electron
- FreeFarsi
- FreeFarsi Monospace
- FreeMono
- FreeSerif
- FreeSerifb
- Furat
- Granada
- Graph
- Hani
- Harmattan
- Homa
- Hor
- IBM Plex Sans Arabic
- Japan
- Jet
- KacstArt
- KacstBook
- KacstDecorative
- KacstDigital
- KacstFarsi
- KacstLetter
- KacstNaskh
- KacstOffice
- KacstOne
- KacstPen
- KacstPoster
- KacstQurn
- KacstScreen
- KacstTitle
- KacstTitleL
- Kayrawan
- Khalid
- Lemonada
- Lexend Deca
- Lexend Exa
- Lexend Giga
- Lexend Mega
- Lexend Peta
- Lexend Tera
- Lexend Zetta
- MPH 2B Damase
- Mashq
- Metal
- Nada
- Nagham
- Nazli
- Nice
- Noto Kufi Arabic
- Noto Naskh Arabic
- Noto Nastaliq Urdu
- Noto Sans Arabic
- Ostorah
- Ouhod
- PakType Ajrak
- PakType Naqsh
- PakType Naskh Basic
- PakType Naskh Basic Farsi
- PakType Naskh Basic SA
- PakType Naskh Basic Sindhi
- PakType Naskh Basic Urdu
- PakType Tehreer
- Petra
- Rasheeq
- Rehan
- Salem
- Scheherazade
- Shado
- Sharjah
- Sindbad
- Tarablus
- Thabit
- Tholoth
- Times New Roman
- Titr
- UKIJ Basma
- UKIJ Bom
- UKIJ Chechek
- UKIJ Diwani Tom
- UKIJ Ekran
- UKIJ Esliye
- UKIJ Esliye Chiwer
- UKIJ Esliye Neqish
- UKIJ Kesme
- UKIJ Kesme Tuz
- UKIJ Merdane
- UKIJ Nasq
- UKIJ Orqun Basma
- UKIJ Orqun Yazma
- UKIJ Qara
- UKIJ Qolyazma Tez
- UKIJ Qolyazma Tuz
- UKIJ Qolyazma Yantu
- UKIJ Sulus Tom
- UKIJ Teng
- UKIJ Tiken
- UKIJ Title
- UKIJ Tor
- UKIJ Tughra
- UKIJ Tuz
- UKIJ Tuz Basma
- UKIJ Tuz Gezit
- UKIJ Tuz Kitab
- UKIJ Tuz Tom
- UKIJ_Mac Ekran
- mry_KacstQurn
Fonts for Hebrew script
- Amit
- Arial
- Arimo
- BABEL Unicode
- Caliban
- Cardo
- Caslon
- Coelacanth
- Courier New
- Cousine
- Daniel
- David CLM
- DejaVu Sans
- Ezra SIL
- Ezra SIL SR
- Frank Ruehl CLM
- FreeMono
- FreeSans
- FreeSerif
- FreeSerifb
- GWMonospace
- Hadasim CLM
- HarSinai
- Hidekel
- IBM Plex Sans Hebrew
- Josef
- Keter YG
- Kimchi
- Libertinus Keyboard
- Libertinus Math
- Libertinus Sans
- Libertinus Serif
- Libertinus Serif Display
- Lilach
- Linux Biolinum Keyboard O
- Linux Biolinum O
- Linux Libertine Display O
- Linux Libertine Initials O
- Linux Libertine O
- Miriam CLM
- Miriam Mono CLM
- Miso
- Mixer
- MPH 2B Damase
- Nachlieli CLM
- Neo
- NewComputerModern08
- NewComputerModern10
- Noam
- Noto Sans Hebrew
- Noto Serif Hebrew
- PatchSans
- PatchSerif
- PatchStencil
- Sayphan
- SetoFont
- Shofar
- Simple CLM
- Skechers
- Stam Ashkenaz CLM
- Stam Sefarad CLM
- Sticks
- Strokes
- Times New Roman
- Tinos
- Tnua-Libre
- YamSuf
Fonts for Greek
- Aegean
- Alegreya
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alegreya SC
- Alexander
- Alfios
- Anaktoria
- Analecta
- Andale Mono
- Anonymous Pro
- Antykwa Torunska
- Antykwa Torunska Condensed
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Arimo
- Aroania
- Asana Math
- Asea
- Atavyros
- Avdira
- BABEL Unicode
- BPG Mrgvlovani Caps GNU&GPL
- BPG Mrgvlovani GPL&GNU
- C059
- Caliban
- Cardo
- Carlito
- Cascadia Code PL
- Caslon
- Clear Sans
- Clear Sans Light
- Clear Sans Medium
- Clear Sans Thin
- CMU Bright
- CMU Classical Serif
- CMU Concrete
- CMU Sans Serif
- CMU Sans Serif Demi Condensed
- CMU Serif
- CMU Serif Upright Italic
- CMU Typewriter Text
- Cochineal
- Coelacanth
- Comfortaa
- Comic Sans MS
- Courier New
- Cousine
- Crimson
- Cupola
- D2Coding
- DejaVu Sans
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- DejaVu Serif
- Domitian
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- EB Garamond
- eurofurence
- eurofurence classic
- eurofurence classic light
- eurofurence light
- Fantasque Sans Mono
- Fetamont
- Fetamont Script
- Fira Code
- Fira Math
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Frederika2016
- FreeMono
- FreeSans
- FreeSerif
- FreeSerifb
- FutharkAdapted
- Galatia SIL
- Garamond Libre
- Gentium
- Gentium Plus
- Gentium Plus Compact
- GentiumAlt
- Georgia
- GFS Artemisia
- GFS Baskerville
- GFS Bodoni
- GFS BodoniClassic
- GFS Complutum
- GFS Didot
- GFS Didot Classic
- GFS DidotClassic
- GFS Gazis
- GFS Neohellenic
- GFS Neohellenic Math
- GFS Olga
- GFS Porson
- GFS Solomos
- GFS Theokritos
- Go
- Go Mono
- GoSmallcaps
- GWMonospace
- Hack
- IBM Plex Sans
- Impact
- Inter
- Iwona
- Iwona Cond
- Iwona Cond Heavy
- Iwona Cond Light
- Iwona Cond Medium
- Iwona Heavy
- Iwona Light
- Iwona Medium
- Jura
- Kerkis
- Kerkis-Calligraphic
- Kerkis-SemiBold
- KerkisSans
- Komatuna
- Komatuna P
- Kurier
- Kurier Cond
- Kurier Cond Heavy
- Kurier Cond Light
- Kurier Cond Medium
- Kurier Heavy
- Kurier Light
- Kurier Medium
- Lato
- Liberation Mono
- Liberation Sans
- Liberation Serif
- Libertinus Math
- Libertinus Sans
- Libertinus Serif
- Libertinus Serif Display
- Linguistics Pro
- Linux Biolinum O
- Linux Libertine Display O
- Linux Libertine O
- Mint Spirit
- Mint Spirit No2
- monofur
- MPH 2B Damase
- NewComputerModern08
- NewComputerModern10
- NewComputerModernMono10
- NewComputerModernSans08
- NewComputerModernSans10
- Nimbus Mono
- Nimbus Roman
- Nimbus Sans
- Nimbus Sans Narrow
- Noto Mono
- Noto Sans
- Noto Sans Display
- Noto Sans Mono
- Noto Serif
- Noto Serif Display
- Old Standard
- Old Standard TT
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Open Sans Condensed Light
- Open Sans ExtraBold
- Open Sans Light
- Open Sans SemiBold
- osifont
- Philokalia
- Play
- Radio Stars
- Ricty Diminished
- Ricty Diminished Discord
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- STIX Two Text
- STIXGeneral
- Symbola
- Tempora
- Theano Didot
- Theano Modern
- Theano Old Style
- Times New Roman
- Tinos
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