In this document we focus on modifying the Linux Kernel through memory and scheduler parameters. The main objective is to study the performance of a computer during the execution of AIO-Stress Benchmark. It was necessary to run the test several times since three of the parameter mentioned in this project were modified 5 times. After completing the test, the results were displayed on graphs, showing that all the variables have a noticeable influence on the performance of the computer.
The extended abstract template to be used by MEMEC students at IST (Technical University Lisbon)
Original Author: Andre C. Marta
Overleaf Port: Pedro Sá da Costa
Template based of the Extended Abstract of Nuno Enes
Area Cientifica de Mecanica Aplicada Aeroespacial
Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Created: Dec 2, 2011
Modified: Sept 20,2016
Estas instruções fornecem as orientações básicas para a preparação de um artigo para o Seminário de Andamento do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica (PPGEE) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Las bases de datos relacionales han sido las herramientas por excelencia para el almacenamiento de la información en los sistemas informáticos. No obstante, las bases de datos NoSQL, como tendencia, han venido ganando espacio especialmente por la escalabilidad y velocidad en sus tiempos de respuestas. PostgreSQL ha incorporado algunas características de tipo NoSQL, como el almacenamiento efímero y el manejo de datos JSON; características que pueden aprovecharse para realizar acciones desde el gestor dándole mayor potencia. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar, mediante toda la documentación encontrada, el comportamiento de las características NoSQL de PostgreSQL frente a un gestor NoSQL, comparandola con MongoDB, respecto a los tiempos de respuestas y dar a conocer las ventajas de uno con respecto al otro.
Palabras Claves: Características NoSQL en PostgreSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Recent work on information extraction has suggested that fast, interactive tools can be highly effective; however, creating a usable system is challenging, and few publically available tools exist. In this paper we present IKE, a new extraction tool that performs fast, interactive bootstrapping to develop high-quality extraction patterns for targeted relations, and provides novel solutions to these usability concerns. In particular, it uses a novel query language that is expressive, easy to understand, and fast to execute - essential requirements for a practical system - and is the first interactive extraction tool to seamlessly integrate symbolic and distributional methods for search. An initial evaluation suggests that relation tables can be populated substantially faster than by manual pattern authoring or using fully automated tools, while retaining accuracy, an important step towards practical knowledge-base construction.
This is a template for the 2016 AES Brasil congress article.
I do not own this template, nor have designed it. I just downloaded from the official website and uploaded here on overleaf
We explore ways of allowing for the offloading of computationally rigorous tasks from devices with slow logical processors onto a network of anonymous peer-processors. Recent advances in secret sharing schemes, decentralized consensus mechanisms, and multiparty computation (MPC) protocols are combined to create a P2P MPC market. Unlike other computational "clouds", ours is able to generically compute any arithmetic circuit, providing a viable platform for processing on the semantic web. Finally, we show that such a system works in a hostile environment, that it scales well, and that it adapts very easily to any future advances in the complexity theoretic cryptography used. Specifically, we show that the feasibility of our system can only improve, and is historically guaranteed to do so.