LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Thesis Template of Beijing Normal University in LaTeX,北京师范大学学位论文LaTeX参考模板,包含本科毕业设计,硕士/博士学位论文,修改自ThuThesis和图书馆提供的LaTeX模板

Reykjavík University template for Engineering and CS Project reports, Dissertations, and Master's and Bachelor's thesis.

A template for theses, dissertations, and capstone projects at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística) - University of São Paulo. License: MIT (code) and CC-BY 4.0 (text)

SJTUThesis is a LaTeX template for preparing bachelor, master, doctor thesis in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. SJTUThesis 是为撰写上海交通大学学士、硕士、博士学位论文而准备的 LaTeX 模板。

This is the Ph.D. Thesis Template from the website of Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Santa Clara University. Converted from word file into Overleaf. (Original Published:

Classe LaTeX para Trabalhos Acadêmicos do IFMG modelo 2024. Este é um template baseado nas diretrizes oficiais do IFMG: O modelo abrange todos os tipos de trabalhos acadêmicos descritos nas diretrizes da instituição. Para maiores informações consulte, a documentação disponível nos arquivos manual_iftex2024.tex e manual_iftex2024.pdf.

Promocijas darba kopsavilkuma veidne Latvijas Universitātes Eksakto zinātņu un tehnoloģiju fakultātei. Latvijas Universitātes promocijas darbu kopsavilkumu izstrādāšanas un noformēšanas noteikumi:

Summary of Doctoral Thesis template for University of Latvia Faculty of Science and Technology. Regulations for the Development and Formatting of Summaries of Doctoral Theses at the University of Latvia can be found here.

This is a template for MIT theses formatted according to the requirements of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries (as posted in 2024): This template is appropriate for MIT theses of all types.
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