LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Pré projeto de monografia criado para auxiliar os alunos do IFBA na elaboração dos seus projetos de monografia.

Template criado a paritr da classe ABNT para uso das monografias de conclusão de curso Maiores informações: Alexandre do Nascimento Silva Lázaro Silva

Originally developed for typesetting a high-energy physics PhD thesis, hepthesis is a LaTeX class for typesetting large academic reports, in particular PhD theses. For thesis writing, hepthesis offers a number of benefits: Attractive semantic environments for rubric sections; Extensive options for draft production, screen viewing & binding-ready output; Helpful extensions of existing environments, including equation and tabular; Support for quotations at the start of the thesis (and each chapter). The example thesis provided with the package has been pre-loaded into Overleaf to help you get started - simply click the button above to create your own version for editing online. Version Note: This template has been updated to that supplied with the 2014-12-03 update to hepthesis on CTAN, with a further modification in December 2016 to switch the depreciated \bf commands to \textbf commands, to maintain compatibility after the Overleaf TeXLive 2016 upgrade.

Formato para los reportes del curso IE0209 - Circuitos Lineales I de la Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se explican los conceptos básicos de LaTeX junto con algunas herramientas útiles.

Proyecto Final UTN-FRBA - Modelo Tesina

Sniðmát fyrir verkefni í leiðbeindu námi við Tæknifræðinám Háskóla Íslands. Íslensk útgáfa. Template for project reports in courses at the Engineering Technology studies, University of Iceland. Icelandic version.

Sniðmát fyrir verkefni í leiðbeindu námi við Tæknifræðinám Háskóla Íslands. Ensk útgáfa. Template for project reports in courses at the Engineering Technology studies of University of Iceland. English version. Leyfi/License GPLv3. Alpha.

Vorlage für Physikpraktikum in der LUH

FH Köln Seminar Paper Template
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